Chapter 19

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Fionna's P.O.V

It's dark.
So dark.

I feel myself being held up by something cold and metal, my feet barely touching the cold ground. I hear water dripping and footsteps come closer to me.

It's hazy when I open my eyes. All I see is stone. Just as I am about to close my eyes, a white hot burning sensation slowly crawls up my forearm.

I let out a shriek of pain before I look up to see what it was. My arm had a long cut oozing blood, the sides of the cut looking like a burn.

I then feel the same sensation crawl up my other forearm, and I let out another shriek. By now the tears are streaming like waterfalls from my eyes as I hear a sickly velvety voice in my ears.

"I love it when you scream." It says

I am about to question the voice, when the burning circled around my navel. I scream and cry, trying to decipher what was happening.

I open my eyes slowly to find Boris in front of me. His pointer finger was surrounded by an orange smoking aura, his sharp pointed nail covered in blood.

He chuckled darkly and licked my blood off his nail. "You taste delicious, Fionna. I've forgotten how good human blood tastes. So sweet and tangy," he coos as he slowly wraps his arms around my waist.

I jerk and fight to get out of his grip, until he dragged his burning nail down my back. I screamed again and went limp. I felt so weak.

"Marshall" I whimper

"Oh yes! I almost forgot!" He said with dark excitement. He then left from and entrance behind me. I struggle to get out of the chains I was in, but with no avail. I went limp, and let out a defeated sigh.

I hear a thump in front of me and I look up to see Marshall. His head was down and his wrists were bound with red burning shackles. Boris then tugged Marshall's hair back forcing him to look at me.

"This is the last moments you'll spend together so make it quick." he said joyously. He snapped his fingers and my shackles disappeared, making me drop to the floor.

I regained my balance and stumbled to Marshall. I took his face in my hands and saw that he looked beaten and broken.

"Fionna" he murmured. My eyes were filling with tears as I kissed him deeply. I pulled back and put my forehead to his.

"I love you, Marshall Lee." I murmur. His eyes fill with tears also and returns my words.

"Fionna, I'll always love you. I'll never stop."

I then felt the cool metal around my wrists again, and they were yanking me back toward a door. "NO!" I shriek as I get yanked.

Boris steps behind Marshall with a knife and holds it to his throat. Marshall mouths a last 'I love you' before Boris slits his throat.

I scream as the doors pull me to them and slam shut.....

I quickly sit up, a loud scream escaping my lips. Marshall sits up after me, frantically trying to calm me down.

I stop screaming and look around frantically. I'm still in my bed. I'm still in my room. I then turn to Marshall and with shaking hands, I hold his face.

'He's here Fionna. He's still here with you, calm down' I thought to myself.

I say his name quietly as tears start forming in my eyes. He sees this and kisses me. I pull back and bury my face in his chest, crying hysterically.

He shushed me and rubbed circles on my back. Why was Boris doing this!? Why was he torturing me like this!?

I cry a bit more before I finally calm down. I am curled up on his chest, sniffling.

"Marshall..." I say

"Yeah babe?"

"Don't leave me here alone." I said curling up even tighter to his chest.

He then picks up my chin with his finger, and looks at me lovingly. "I'll never leave you Fionna." He leans in an kisses me lovingly before he opens his eyes and looks at me with glowing red ones.

I stare at them and feel......blank.

Wha.......What was I crying about again? I look around and am about to say something, when he shushes me and tells me to lay down again. I gladly do so and whisper 'good night' to Marshall.

"I love you, Marshall." I say

I hear him lie back down with me, and feel his arms snake around my waist. " I love you too, Fi."

I sigh and fall back to sleep.


Yup this is a late chappy! But hey at least I got it out! I know it's short but, I'm falling asleep as I wright this! So yeah •H• ^ ^

Anyway! I hope you like this chapter, I'm working on the next one! Till next time my pretties!!

Luv you!

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