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Matt was dead. Jackson was loose. Gerard was crazy. Erica was running. Boyd joined in suit. Isaac was hiding. Derek was surviving. Allison was shooting. Dylan was barely living.

If you're going through hell, keep going. Something she read from Winston Churchill. But how could she keep going knowing what she knew about herself? She had hunters gunning for her when they thought she was just a regular werewolf. But if they were to find out about this other side to her, they wouldn't hesitate for a second to put a bullet in her.

After crouching down in the warehouse by herself, feeling a panic rising in her chest, she heard the distant voices of the Argent family outside. The reason her pack was no longer there was because Chris and Allison had figured out where they were hiding. So they fled. Dylan left before they saw her, thankfully.

It had been a week since the full moon, since the Kanima attack at the Sheriff's station, since Matt died. Still, she texted her friends but none of them responded to her yet. One afternoon, instinctively, she found herself back in the woods. She headed to the abandoned train tracks to find Christopher, Tyler and Kasey. But when she showed up, it was oddly silent. She called out for her friends but, just like at the warehouse, she got no response.

She headed into the train cart and found a bottle of whiskey with a sticky note attached to it. Hey girl. We hate to do it like this but we're leaving. Me, Tyler and Christopher. We tried contacting you but you weren't answering. We may be back but we're not sure. But we love you heaps. I'm sorry, darling. Love, Raven.

A tear fell onto the posted note. They left. Without a goodbye. Now, she was completely alone. She looked at the half bottle of whiskey in her hand. She took a swig. She couldn't believe it. She let people in. She let down her walls and allowed people to see her. But they all left her. Every person she ever let her walls down for. But she realised now that it was all her fault. Every failed relationship was caused by her.

She gulped the final mouthful of the whiskey then broke the bottle in her hand. All of the fear and anger she felt built up inside and she felt the bubble about to burst. She stared at the lock screen background on her phone; it was of her, Tyler, Christopher and Kasey. Her vision blurred with anger and tears. Then she threw her phone at the wall of the train cart. It hit the floor, shattering.

Dylan looked at her hand - the wounds from the bottle that she shattered in her hand had already healed - then she headed into the station where the punching bag was and used it to release all of her pent up anger.

She had been hitting it for several minutes when she heard the doors of the station open. She heard a familiar feminine voice call her name. Before she turned around to see who had walked in, she kicked the punching bag, sending it flying off the chain it was attached to and broke it. When she turned around, she saw Boyd and Erica walking in. A hint of surprise to see them washed over her face.

"Hi," Dylan said.

A small smile formed on both of their faces as they ran toward her and hugged her. She was hesitant to wrap her arms around them but feeling their warm embrace and realising how much she missed it caused her to hug them back.

They pulled back. "We were so scared something happened to you," Erica said.

"Yeah," Boyd added. "Derek and Isaac told us you ran out the night of the full moon. What happened?" Dylan wasn't ready to tell them that yet. Or anything. She needed to process it herself before she had.

"Nothing," she responded, her head hanging low. "How did you know I was here?"

"Boyd," Erica answered.

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