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It was a fact that cleansed hands did no work yet that couldn't have been more wrong for Ivory Bella.

   It was the simplest thing to do but perhaps the most dangerous one.

Ivory waited. She waited with one word to keep her enough company: freedom.

The master key was hidden in her father's room, the forbidden room.

When her father closed the door behind him, he went for his weekly trip to a place Ivory never knew.

He never did lock his room. He knew very well that Ivory could never enter because of her own disgusting fear.

The key, after searching heavily, was tucked under socks in the top drawer. She quickly pushed it in her pocket.

Her curiosity wanted to look for other things to see if there was anything worth taking notice. But she was cut short when she heard the front door slammed shut and shoes stomping upstairs.

Her breathing quickened and Ivory didn't close the drawer when she ran out the room.

He had probably forgotten something if he had to come back after a few minutes rather than a full hour.

Nevertheless, she carefully closed her door, and, for the first time, locked it.

The first thing she did was walk into her closet to take her suitcase. It contained a week's worth of clothes and other important, essential items that couldn't fit in Ivory's backpack.

She planned this small moment for years, and even after that she was still felt unprepared.

When the second strap of her backpack fell across her shoulder, her eyes instantly looked from her shirt to the door.

There was a slight knocking sound.

Ivory let out a small gasp under her breath.

"Ivory," his soft voice called out. "Honey, you have something that belongs to me."

He never did jiggle the doorknob; he probably already knew that she took his key so he couldn't open the locked door.

Ivory stumbled her feet back. His words left her frozen stuck on the floor and it took great power to even move the slightest.

"Ivory." His voice danced around her mind. With every time he called her name, there she felt more and more guilty for leaving.

She said nothing.

He banged the door with his shoulder while Ivory let out a little tear before taking her suitcase in her grip.

Ivory hadn't thought about it but she couldn't leave. This was all she knew and she didn't want to know anything else.

She moved her window curtains to catch a view of the bright, sunny day.

The door could break any second with the way he kept banging and banging.

One by one, her feet stood on the edge, close to the ground, close to sky. She could hear the birds singing, watch the cars moving, and smell the fresh air.

Ivory tried not to worry what would happen next. The fall would seem like it could kill her. But there was that fruit stand that would always pass by at this exact time. Her plan was to land on it so the fall wouldn't hurt so bad.

But the height was still frightening. Hesitating with her feet inches away from dropping, She told herself that the pain of her father, who would be with her every single day, was far more worse and unbearable than the pain of something that could only hurt once.

She turned around quickly when she heard the last bang and the door was opened. He saw her there, standing almost close to tears with her head begging not to look at him.

But she did smile.

With her voice hoarse, she managed, "Goodbye."

She faced the outside once again and concentrated on the fall. Her father, saying so many things and reaching for an arm to pull her back, made it almost impossible, if Ivory wasn't so determined.

Instead, Ivory fell on the fruit stand knowing she was free from everything.

Anybody who has been reading this story on @cheshirekitty14's profile, the story is no longer a collaboration between that person and me.

So the story will now be transferred over here with a few changes to keep old readers interested. Please enjoy the story.

with love, anna :)

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