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- t h e c o u n c i l - [unedited]

I stopped running when I realized there was no destination whatsoever, just pointless running. Standing under the sudden drizzle of small, faint rain, I fell down to my knees. It was minutes that felt like hours before I saw legs in front of me. Rain was pouring hard now. I can't believe how selfish I was. I made this all about me. I ran away, created a scene, and now he has to take me back like one of those immature, little kid who just finished their tantrum.

Dominic didn't speak to me so that was a relief, at least. All he did was pull out his hand. I looked at him before I took his hand to help me stand up. I never broke eye contact with him as I cleaned myself.

Walking back to where we had been before I ran, I saw that Dom had found what he was looking for.

Dom stared at empty space for awhile. "Okay," he broke the silence, "in order to get in you have to be Abled or at least believe you are." Here he was, going on and on about the things I had no clue about.

"I don't have a problem; it's you that I'm worried about." Of course, I thought.

"Since you're just getting used to your abilities, the portal may not detect you as Abled. So, to ensure that you can pass, you could use the human method. They found a loop hole. You don't have to be Abled or any other magical being to step into the elf realm, you just have to believe you are." He smiled as he finished his talking.

I made an order to myself, right here to the very end, that I would stop being afraid and just go with it.

Moving my feet, I placed myself beside him. I'm pretty sure we saw different things. Where I saw a back of a building, a dead end, that was better left ignored, Dom saw something that made his mouth twist into a smile and his eyes left to twinkle.

I put it all together in my head. Dom was talking about another place, and a way to get there. It all made sense; he saw a portal.

But, how come I couldn't see it? I thought.

"Take my hand," he said, with his out. My eyes moved from the building to his hand and I took it.

When I looked at him, he made a little gesture to look back at the building. He never stopped surprising me. What I had seen before, changed.

That other world he was talking about, I could barely see it. Through all the fog,there were trees and flowers and grass. So much different from this urban place around me.

Thinking it would disappear once I let go of his hand, I left his hand. But nothing happened. The portal was still there. And I was still speechless as ever.

CHILLED ~ editingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora