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I opened one eye then the other. "Okay. I don't think it worked," I pointed out, dissatisfied. But the moment I picked up my head, I didn't see anybody.

The room was just the same except the lighting was different, more spookier, and there was no one.

I stood up and walked around. This was probably a dream. I didn't what was supposed to happen so I just opened the door to get out.

When I did, I saw a large hallway. It wasn't supposed to be there but I guess that's what happens during a dream.

1538 Memory Lane. Did that mean something? I saw that written everywhere on the walls when I was walking. It was scary how much it appeared.

The hallway seemed endless. And I thought I would try to reach end the until something happened.

I was now kneeling in patch of daisies and roses. There was a basket besides me filled with an abundance of different flowers.

I couldn't control what I was doing but I was very well aware, just like before. For example, I tried looking up to get a sense of where I was but for some reason my eyes were glued to my hands cutting flowers out of the ground.

"Hey, Princess."

I looked up for a first to see a smiling Dash.

"Hi," I blushly said. "Where were you?"

"Nothing you need to worry your pretty little head." He was crouching down to meet my eyes. He kissed my forehead.

"Okay," I smiled not worrying. I just remembered something. "Oh! This is for you." I went into my basket and grabbed an enormous red rose.

He smiled. "Thank you." I smiled back. He kissed me unexpected, like always. It was simply heaven.

"Go. Go!" A man yelled at my family and me. From a distance behind, I could hear screams of agony.

We were pushed upstairs to large room. The left us locking the door. It was only seconds afters that gun shot was heard from behind the door. I was surprised that guns were being used.

Of course this was the human's world built on guns and machines. I've heard about the weapons they used here but never actually heard the sounds.

The room was quiet. My mother was in shock as I should be. Twenty minutes ago my father died. I tried not to think about it. That was a better emotion.

Dash was comforting her before he walked to me. "Are you ready?"

I shook my head, worrying. "I don't want to forget." There was just too many things that were unforgettable.

He looked around then back to me. There was a hint of panic on his face. "I really need you to do this, Belle."

I turned my head away from him. "It's the only way they can't find you and your mother. You need to be seen as a completely different person and the way to do that is for you become a different person."

"What about you, Dash? You have a part in the throne. They could come after you!"

"I can protect myself." I know he could. "I need you to be safe far, far away from here." Why did he wholeheartedly believe that I couldn't fight for myself?

"Okay," I agreed and nodded. "One last thing; will you remember me?"

He looked at me for a moment and in that moment I could see the uncertainty in his eyes. It wasn't whether he knew he was going to remember or not. It was more like he knew but was deciding whether or not to tell me.

There was conversation on the other side of the door. He was going to say something else to me but instead ran to the door giving me one last look.

It was actually happening. Everyone was talking about it for months but the moment is here now and it feels unreal.

"Are you ready?" My mother told me.

I nodded.

We knew what was going to happen next. We were never going to see each other again. We had to be separate in order for this to work.

My mother room went through a different door than me. The machine that was supposed to replace all my memories was not what I excepted.

There was a large control panel to side of the room. But the thing that had to be recognizable was a wooden chair below a hanging helmet.

I was never into the age of technology other people were providing but this was required.

I sat down and relaxed believing that outside this room, nothing was happening.

Besides me was a note: Drop the helmet to your head. Once in place, remember a memory and think of different ones. ~ The Council of Magic

Wow. That's when I knew it wasn't just a local problem anymore. It wasn't the little elf coucil from my country; it was the Magic Council.

I placed the helmet on my head and it seemed easy enough.

Minutes passed. I knew this was a long process and that's why I was provided with a small snack.

In the middle of eating, somebody walked in. I couldn't see the person very well.

"If I don't this now, the plan will be disastrous." I heard the words but not really. I don't know if it was a boy or a girl, if the person was old or young.

The moment I was going to say something, I felt different. I felt the pulling to somewhere else. And in an instant, I was gone.

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