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"Can we meet up somewhere?" I didn't want to tell him over the phone. No, I needed to see him. That's the only way.

"I'm really busy . . ." He was quiet before deciding, "okay".

"Great!" I was instantly happy. "I know this perfect cafe across my apartment. Could we be there?"

"Sure; meet you there." And with that, he hanged up with me.

I finally actually woke up after a quick shower, a grab of my daily clothes, and a slight touch of makeup.

The day was pretty nice. A little chilly, the way I always liked it. The sun wasn't at its highest and it was behind the clouds to make the day feel not that hot.

I found the place I had mentioned to Dash earlier. It looked so nice and friendly contrasting was the cold and mean feeling I got from other places.

He wasn't here. I sat in a booth close to the window. I always liked looking at the view of buildings, cars, and people. It was a nice thing to do.

A nice lady came up to me to take my order. I had asked for a coffee with extra milk, extra cream, and extra, extra sugar.

I sat disappointed. There was a part of me who wanted him to here first. For him to be waiting for me. Instead, I was doing that to him.

To pass the time, I took out my phone. I pretended I actually was using my phone to text somebody but of course there was nobody.

Thinking about it now, I was pretty antisocial. I don't remember actually having friends. I was homeschooled when I was little.

Or was I?

No. That was an illusion. I was forgetting. Ten months ago, I erased my mind and filled it up with new ones. The part about being homeschooled was an easy way out. It was perfect, convenient.

That thing Dr. ForgetMeNot said about my dead mother being convenient, it could have been applied to how I was homeschooled. It was easy to make that happen nothing was made complicated.

I was getting. Little by little, I was separating myself. From Magie Creek girl Ivory Georgina to Abled Ivory Georgina. I wasn't even sure Ivory was even my real name. I mean, my life was already different. Wouldn't my name be different?

The bell that rang every time the door opened, rang. I tilted my head to see who it could it have been and knew for certain who it was before I even looked at him.

"Hi," I told him and he gave me the same response.

He sat right across from me. He looked as if he was observing every aspect of my face. I couldn't hold onto the stare and ended it with me looking down to my hands.

"You're cute when you do that," he pushed his head down trying to look into my eyes that were faced down.

"Do what?" I was very oblivious.

"Blush." He smiled. "It really makes you pretty."

I found his compliment so perfect that it made me forget why it was here and that brought my smile to an end. I really didn't want this feeling to end.

I started with "I forgot."

"What?" He said it like he wasn't sure what I said could be possible for me to say.

"I remember 'the good ones are found in the bad places'. Does that mean anything?"

He still had a face that didn't want to show any emotion because if any single one was shown, everything would be lost.

"Boom," I repeated the sound I heard in my dream when I heard the gunshot.

"A girl ran with her mother and a boy and the door locked behind her. The boy had to leave the girl and her mother to a new world.

"Dash. Who am I?" He was about to say something, probably not the truth. I didn't want anymore lies from anybody so I moved over to him, over the table, and pressed a finger to his mouth. I cut him off and he looking at me strangely. "Who am I really?" I added.

When I let go and sat back down, he was quiet. He finally asked after a long time. "How'd you figure it out?"

How did "a man in a suit came to me at night and gave me a shot to remember" sound? Not that great. So I settled for, "It just came to me."

He looked at me seriously like I was lying. I was.

"Okay." He no longer held the smile I was accustomed to. "Then you already that your name is actually Frost De Rege, from one of the most important and royal families. That your father died in the hands of a random protester.

"That they were targeting our families because somehow this was the solution to whatever pain was causing them. That you were hidden away from everybody by erasing everyone's memories that the De Rege line never existed. That you would become Ivory Georgina."

I expected the truth from him but not this fast and not this painfully blunt. There was a small amount of people in the restaurant but just enough to feel like they were all watching me.

Without a word, I stood up. He looked at me clearly seeing my eyes begin to water. Dash had his mouth ready to say someything to me but he stopped when he saw me walk outside away from him.

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