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07:00 P.M.:

It's already morning and Eli wake up he saw that Daniel wasn't already on he's side soo he got up to leave, as he walk towards the door and the door open and he saw noman and sinu at the front door and there was a long silence.

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WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!!!!!!. - Noman scream loud that wakes up everyone in the hotel.

W-what happened?. - mira said then she saw Eli was kneeling in front of noman and sinu while the others sitting in the sofa glaring at Eli.

What happened?. - Zoe ask

Well, we walk towards to Daniel room to wake him up but surprisingly he's door was open as I open the door I saw Eli was inside, HE'S WITH DANIEL!!!!. - Noman explain.

What did you do to daniel?? Huh??. - Noman ask.

I didn't do anything I just came to daniel door yesterday night to apolog—..- Eli said as he got cut off by sinu.

Then why are you inside??. - sinu ask.

Let me finish you b*st*rd!!. - Eli said shouting at him then Daniel arrived just in time, Daniel look at them in a confused face despite that Eli was sitting on the floor.

What happened??. - Daniel ask then Eli got up and came rushing towards him and hide behind Daniel.

What happened?. - Daniel ask again.

It is true Daniel? That Eli went to your room to apologize?. - sinu ask.

Yes he did. - Daniel said.

Yeah!!, I'm done apologizing, Daniel just allowed me to sleep beside him last night. - Eli said proudly which makes the other pissed.

You act like a kid. - koji said.

All of them look at koji which is he is in the left side of Daniel holding he's hand.

Hey!! Hey! Let go of daniel hand you didn't ask for he's permission!!. - Goo said shouting at him.

What do you mean permission? I don't need that! Because starting today I'm Daniel little brother. - koji said.

All of them was surprised on what koji just said.

What since when?. - jay ask.

Just an hour ago. - koji said looking away.

So..... If mira was Daniel mother and koji is he's little brother then I should be daniel big sis!. - crystal said in full confidence, the others jaws drop when crystal said that.

W-what are you talking about!?. - jake ask

Shush!! Now if you mind me, Daniel can I be you're big sis. - crystal ask in puppy eyes.

That won't work on me but sure why not. - Daniel said and crystal jump happily while koji gave crystal a "are you serious" face.

If that we we're talking now then we should be daniel husband right~?. - gun said with flirtatious tone

The others agree and some of them look at gun in amazement, Daniel was blushing because of it but snapped immediately.

What!! I didn't even gave an answer yet!! Don't decide immediately. - Daniel said while the others don't know how to react anymore.

I know but fiance maybe. - Samuel said look him in full possessiveness.

Then mira snapped.

Hey!!! What do you mean husband, husband, and fiance!!! He is still a minor so shut up!!!!. - mira said shouting at them.

While all of them just look away with failure expression then the others laughed.

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