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Days flews by they get to know each other. Daniel realize that they are not that scary as he thought and aren't that heartless as he thought like gun, Samuel, Eugene and he's twin. Gun was scary from outside, Samuel was heartless from outside and that's the same with Eugene and he's twin. The real is they just want attention more and they want to cuddle daniel forever so they won't feel that Daniel wasn't going to leave them.

They get along pretty well they hangout and the others would invite some of the cold hearted to join them. Some of them wanted to cuddle daniel but those permission order that daniel said before doing it, it made the others fight but it's not that serious they know that if they take it seriously daniel will ignore them again.

Then days after sometimes they will celebrate a big party where they will stay up until night playing games or who's know daniel more. They had so much fun that night and as a gift to them daniel allowed them to sleep with him that night so it's pretty full in Daniel's room but that's not the case tho as long as they will see Daniel sleeping peacefully that's already fine to them.

Then days after sometimes some of them will spoil Daniel by buying him some gift and giving him some pocket money but daniel refuse all the gift they give him because Daniel said "Just seeing you all happy that's already okay to me" Daniel said but to be honest these words make the boy's heart melt but they still gave him the gift they buy for him and the money, daniel have no choice but to let them be.
In the next day Daniel is just too stunned to speak because there was soo many gift that almost filled the left side of he's room and he check he's bank account and saw that the money they gave him has reached to 50 thousands or more, well daniel was trembling because of it he never received so much money I  he's life.

Then days after sometimes the girls will get bored and as they would saw Daniel they would started smiling like they understand each other so there's was a time that the girls will force him to cosplay some characters or anime they wanted, daniel would refuse tho but having someone following you around it's kinda annoying so he surrounder and it happened mira, Zoe, and joy will assess daniel what to wear while crystal will be the photographer and "Damn! Daniel you look so much like a female now" crystal said Daniel cosplay so many characters like Yor, Anya, Makima, Nezuko, Kanao, Kanae, and more.
After all of that Daniel just slam he's body on he's own bed and went to sleep immediately while the picture that crystal took she gave it to the boys the other nosebleeds the other are amazed and the other was confuse who is that woman while some of them surprised like "Is that really daniel!? " then they divide the picture that crystal gave them and keep it, except on one picture, it was a picture that Daniel cosplay in a maid outfit they don't know who is the character but they fought about it and snatching it away from one to another until it tear in to pieces they were sad about and blaming each other but they move on immediately, while gun saw that goo wasn't affected by it but he let him be, minutes later goo walk towards he's room and close the door behind him and take the picture out of he's pocket that they divide, the reason why goo didn't get affected by it because he had a picture that Daniel cosplay RAIDEN SHOTGUN where Daniel shows he's back, he can see Daniel white skin, goo was proud of himself that he didn't react immediately, because if he react, the picture would be the same in the last picture they fought about, On the other hand Daniel was embarass that the boys saw the picture that crystal took.

As times and days flews by daniel was started to grow a feeling's for them until he knew that he is fully fallen for them daniel didn't even realize when did he's feeling's started to grow all he know that he's already fall in love with "this" and "those" pervert as he said in he's thought he let out a small short giggles that made everyone around him confused.

Days later daniel don't mind them from cuddling him and more, daniel already get used to it well not in those seductive eyes that gun and the others gave him. Until the other boys can't wait long enough as they want daniel fully theirs.

Ughh!! I can't wait long enough I want daniel to be mine already!!. - jake said.

Ours not yours. - Samuel said correcting him and jake just ignore him.

What if we ask him out if he will be our boyfriend?. - sinu ask, all of them look at sinu immediately but jake didn't get it.

Did we already ask him that?. - jake ask and the others look at him.

What do you mean "we already ask him that" we only confess to him. - noman said while the others agree.

Well I already ask him that will he be my boyfriend. - jake said as the others look at him like "are you serious" face and the others snickers.

This is the first time I met someone that most dumber than Tabasco. - gun said then some of them started to laugh.

Vasco not Tabasco. - Eli said correcting gun but gun ignore him.

Why are you laughing!? Yeah you guys only confess but what did he answer isn't like "I need time to think about it" and "I am not ready to answer it".- jake said as they stop laughing.

Why? What did he said after you ask him to be your bboyfriend. - goo said smirking.

Well~ he giggles and said "maybe soon enough you will know my answer by my action".- jake said smirking, then the other look at him surprised.

Wait! Wait! So that's means. - goo said look at jake.

Yes~ why you're thinking is right he is now my boyfriend. - jake said as sinu grab him by he's collar and shake him aggressively.

How!!! How!! How! . - sinu said

Wait! Don't shake me I'll explain. - jake said as sinu stop shaking him.

He also said that you all confess to him made him question he's self like how you all fell in love with him when he didn't even realize that you all in love with him. - jake said.

Then daniel know from the very start that you're in love with him?. - Zack ask.

Yes. - jake said

So ask him to be my boyfriend now is not my problem anymore. - he added.

We should ask the girls if they could help us. - jay said and the others agree.


What!? You all gonna ask him out?. - Zoe said shouting.

Shhh!!! Lower your voice daniel might hear us. - Eli said

Oh~ don't worry about that he's outside with koji. - said Smirking.

Just help us. - jay said.

Yeah after I called the other girls. - Zoe said.

Then Zoe called the others to help. Crystal help to distract daniel so he would not see what are they preparing. Joy called a suit designer. Mira was glaring at them while joy was trying to explain something about this. And the others was preparing the cottage where the event gonna happened.

( alright see in the next chapter ☺)

1277 words

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