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06:00 A.M.

Koji wake up in a hospital because he suddenly passed out when he was hacking someone. After he wake up crystal saw him awake and immediately called a doctor.

After the doctor finish checking up on him the doctor talk to crystal and after that he walk away, crystal look at koji in a worried face as she walk forward to him and sat beside him.

How many times do I have to tell you that you shouldn't stay up late, look what happened to you, you been unconscious for a whole week, please don't do that again. - crystal said

I'm sorry. - koji said.

Crystal grab an apple and peal it for koji, crystal notice that koji has something on he's mind.

You seems so deep in thought, what happened?. - crystal ask

I had a dream, it's a little weird. - koji said

Weird? Why it's weird?. - crystal ask

I dream about us going in a beach with Daniel and he's friends, we we're so close and so am I to Daniel, when gun, goo, and the others ask him out to be he's boyfriend he just rejected them. - koji said.

Wait you dream that gun, goo and  the others like Daniel?. - crystal ask, it was unbelievable that koji dream something like that.

That's not the case tho, he said he would love to be there's but.  - koji said not continuing it, he hesitated to say it because it was very weird.

Come on say it. - crystal said

He said that, all of those had happened in the start is not even real because all of those is just a dream he said. - koji continue.

Crystal was very shock to hear what koji just said Daniel saying something like that in he's dream it was weird how tho Daniel knows that all of those are only a dream when he totally in koji dream it was impossible that they are in a same dream.

After that what happened?. - crystal ask

I don't know all I remember after he said "DREAM" all of my surroundings turned black and all of you guys faded but except daniel, I still can see him standing in front of me. - koji said.

Does he see you?. - crystal ask

No, he didn't even turn around to face me. - koji said.

After he finish he's words there was a long silence.

You know what koji don't think about it, it was only gonna make your mind dizzy. - crystal said.

But I like the way daniel and I interact, I want him to be my big bro like in my dreams. - koji said.

Yeah, if you said so but first please take a rest. - crystal said as koji close he's eyes to sleep.

After that crystal already made sure that koji is asleep before leaving him she was confuse because of koji just dream it was very weird that some of the people in your dream knows that it was all a dream and aside of that Johan and Samuel had a same dream after they admitted to the hospital because of the injury they get after the fight and also they we're unconscious for a whole week.

She was thinking that is this just an coincidence or this already had a meaning.


( I think that's all)

(Thank you for reading until the end)

(562 words)

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