Chapter 9

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I throw on a dress and makeup and quickly do my hair. I look in the mirror. I actually feel pretty for once. When I walk to the living room Lalo's sitting on the couch watching tv.

"You look stunning mi amor." He says while getting up. He kisses me softly and we leave.

When we get to the club it's packed. Lalo holds my hand the entire time. We go to the bar and he orders us some shots. The guy nexts to us keeps staring. Lalo turns to him and says, "you need something?"

The guy starts to speak but he's slurring his words so much I can't make out what he's saying. Finally I catch the last part of his rant. "Mm gonna buy me some drinks mr money bags?"

Lalo scoffs and looks over to me. I started to laugh. I felt bad but I couldn't help it. Lalo laughs with me before turning to the guy and saying, "Sorry amigo not tonight." He pats him on the shoulder and we do our shots.

The guy keeps rambling. "Ohhh got it. Too fancy for the rest of us. Cheap. Can't buy me one drink. Bullshit. It's bullshit." He slurs. How is this guy even standing?

I look over at Lalo and we smile trying not to laugh again. "Let's go dance." I say to him. We start to walk towards the dance floor until the guy yells something at us.

"Yeah that right! Walk away with your little slutty girlfriend. Whore!" This guy just doesn't know when to shut up.

Lalo stops and I turn to look at him. "Don't. Let's just leave, ok? It's not worth it." I say.

He tries to pull away but I hang on to him. I grab his face to make him look at me. "Please don't do it." I say.

He finally looks me in the eyes. "He disrespected you." He replies. I give him a wary look. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna kill him." It's like he read my mind.

I let go of his hand and he walked over to the guy, hovering over him. "What was that?"

"You heard me." The guy slurs. "Your girlfriend is a WHORE!" He yells in Lalo's face.

Lalo hits him once and the guy falls to the ground. He knocked him out. He walks back over to me and I kiss him on the cheek while he smiles.

I pull him to the dance floor and we start dancing. He twirls me around and I laugh. We move our bodies closer to each other while we dance. The music picks up and the lights are flashing. He feels me up while I grind up against him. I kiss him passionately. It feels euphoric. The rest of the world starts to melt away.

After about an hour more of dancing we decided to go back to my place. My feet are killing me so he picks me up and carries me to the car. He drives me home with one hand on the wheel and the other on my thigh.

I must've fallen asleep on the way there because when I opened my eyes I'm in my bed covered in sunlight. I reach over to grab Lalo but he's not there. Did he leave without saying goodbye? Maybe I was too drunk to remember.

I get out of bed to see I'm in one of my baggy t-shirts. I hear a noise coming from the kitchen. When I walk out to see what it was, I'm hit with the smell of bacon. Lalo's standing there at the stove cooking.

He hears my footsteps and looks over his shoulder. "Good, you're awake." He smiles. "I'm making you breakfast but then I have to go." He sets me down a plate with bacon and toast along with a glass of water.

"You're not gonna eat?" I ask while sitting down.

He gives me an apologetic look. "I have some business to take care of but I'll see you later tonight, ok?" He kisses my head and walks out the door.

I feel sad whenever I'm apart from him. But I know I can't be with him every second of every day. I eat my breakfast and get ready. I should probably call pop pop to apologize for yesterday.

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