Chapter 5- Cute Neighbors

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"T-this is your place?" Camryn stutters, amazed.

"Yep. Just wait until you see your room." Nathan says, winking at his sister while walking in the direction of her room. "And this, is your room."

Walking past her brother into her new room, Camryn gaped. The room was as purple as Barnie with a bed up against the wall between the door and closet. There was a dresser with a TV in the top left corner and a bookshelf in the top right. A desk in front of one of the two windows with a rack of DVD's beside it. Walking over to the closet, she slides open the door to see it full of clothes and shoes. Turning back to her brother, she runs to him and hugs him, letting out a muffled "Thank you!"

Leaving her to herself, Camryn starts to unpack; carefully putting her clothes, bras and panties in the dresser, books on the bookshelf, and her laptop on the desk. Running out of her room and the apartment, she goes over to Nathan's car to get the remaining box full of her CD's. Making her way back to the floor of her new home, Camryn suddenly bumps into someone, making her drop her box and for the CD's to spill.

"Oh dear. I am so sorry about that. I wasn't watching where I was going," an attractive voice spoke, bending down to help her.

Once all the CD's were back in the box, the boy stood up, holding his hand out to Camryn, which she kindly took. Up in a standing position with her box tucked securely under her arm, Camryn finally looked at the boy.

He was fairly attractive. Blonde hair in a quiff, baby blue eyes, button nose, soft-looking pink lips, a structured jaw with amazing cheekbones, and a hint of stubble on his face. Averting her eyes, Camryn coughed to break the awkward silence before speaking. "Thank you, um..."

"Oh, pardon me. My name's Stephen Rivera. And you are?" he spoke in his London accent.

"Camryn Sykes, pleasure to meet you, Stephen."

"Oh, the pleasure's all mine, Camryn. You're not from around here are you?" Stephen questioned.

"Nope. I'm from Gloucester, I'm just moving in with my brother." Camryn replied.

"You're Nathan's sister? My gosh! He talks about you all the time!" Stephen exclaimed.

"Right, well. It was nice meeting you, but I must get back. Thank you for your help," Camryn started to walk away, only to be pulled back by her arm.

"One thing. Would you like to, I don't know, go out with me sometime? Stephen asked while Camryn smiled, handing him her phone.

"Text me when." Camryn stated, Stephen's eyes widening before quickly typing his number in then handing her her phone. "Bye, Stephen." Camryn said before sauntering off, leaving a gob-smacked Stephen standing in the middle of the hall.


Hey guys! It's Briana. Sorry I haven't updated in a while. School stuff. Only have 7 days left, so I can update more frequently. Who's liking the new character I added in? He's one of those awkward ducklings that everyone just loves.

Well, for now,


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