Chapter 20- Too Late

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"Cammy!" Nathan yelled, running over while calling 999.

Standing on the bridge where Camryn fell, Nathan leans over the railing, searching for his sister's body. Finally finding her body, Nathan notices that she's still breathing, but faintly.

After about five minutes, the ambulance arrives. Taking a stretcher down to the creek, the paramedics pick Camryn up and put her on it, attaching an oxygen mask while they were at it.

Once Camryn is in the back of the ambulance, Nathan hops in, texting Siva to tell him what's going on and to get his car. It wasn't until a few minutes later that Nathan came down from his adrenaline high. Finally realizing the situation, Nathan breaks down in tears.

"W-will she be okay?" Nathan asked one of the rushing nurses.

The nurse turns and gives him a sympathetic smile, "With her stability at the moment, I think we're too late." With that said, they arrive at the hospital where they rush Camryn in.

"Please, God. Let Camryn be okay," Nathan mumbled towards the sky before going into the hospital.


And there's the end! Hope you enjoyed this story as much as I have. The sequel will not be up until December 23, as that's when my next break from school is. I have tomorrow off, but I need to read a book for an English Festival. From now on until December 23, Broken will be my main focus, but with slow updates because of school. Once again, I hope you liked this story.


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