Chapter 9- Coming Clean

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Nathan walked into his sister's room to see her staring blankly at the wall in front of her. Handing her her tea, Nathan sits across from Camryn. He takes this moment of silence to look around the room: purple walls with pictures of him and her, her and the band, family pictures and posters of her favorite bands. The bed was pushed against one wall that was between the closet and door to her room. On the other end, a door that led into her en-suite.

After a few minutes of the comfortable silence, Nathan decides he can't take it anymore. Taking hold of Camryn's hand, he opens his mouth to say something only to be stopped by Camryn sighing and speaking first, "You're wanting to know why, I know. Why do I self harms? Well, I'm going to tell you."

"Cammy, you don't have to. I just wanna know when you started," Nathan went on to say, but Camryn only shook her head.

"No. I am doing this, you have a right to know," Camryn told her brother.

"Only if you're sure," Nathan stressed, and Camryn nodded.

"It all started when you left for the band...

*5 years earlier- Camryn's POV*

It was just another normal Tuesday morning, and I walked into school only to be swarmed by the jocks and popular kids. They all smirked, some having an evil look in their eye. The 'leader' of the popular group spoke to me harshly while grabbing the collar of my shirt and slamming me roughly against the wall.

"Now that your brother isn't here to save you, your life is going to be a living hell," Ashley spoke before punching me in the stomach and dropping me to the ground.

Her little minions followed her, but not before kicking me in the side and calling me names such as 'stupid', 'attention seeker', and many more. But that was only the beginning.

*3 years later- Camryn's POV*

It was the first day of sophomore year, and I was not looking forward to it. After 3 months and being bullied, it was back to the old grind. This year was going to be even worse, considering Ashley now has her boy toy on her side.

Walking into the hell hole, I go straight to my locker, not wanting to be the center of attention so early. I open my locker only to have it slammed shut again. I take a deep breath, preparing myself for my first beating of the year.

"Hey, stupid. Hope you're ready for this year. Gonna be your worst one yet!" Ashley exclaimed in her nasally voice, "See you after school, whore."


"I've been self harming for five years now, Nath. Then, when you called and said that you were coming home, I thought everything was going to get better, but it only got worse once I met Chloe," Camryn ended her lengthy explanation, leaving Nathan speechless.

"I wanna know what Chloe has said to you," Nathan ordered, causing Camryn to take a deep breath.

"The first night you were home, she came into my room and told me to stay away from you and to not get in the way," Camryn started off, only to have Nathan butt in.

"Is that why you were crying when I came in your room?" he asked, in which Camryn nodded.

"Then the next night when we came home from our day together and you announced that I was moving in with you guys, she told me that she didn't mind because that meant she could torture me more and to stay away from you. Then the day that I was moving in, back at the house she told me to stay out of the way," Camryn finished.

"And then last night happened and I blamed you for something she started. Oh, Cam. I'm so sorry," Nathan apologised.

"It's not your fault, Nath," Camryn comforted her brother, wrapping her arms around him in a hug.

The two siblings pulled apart to the sound of Chloe's voice yelling that she was back from where ever she was. This caused Nathan to stand up and look at his baby sister and saying, "Stay right here. I'll be back."

Walking into the living room, Nathan immediately spots Chloe sitting on the sofa watching TV. Walking over to her, he grabs the remote and turns the tellie off before standing in front of her with his arms crossed.

"I know what you've done," Nathan tells his girlfriend.

"What?" Chloe asks, a confused expression appearing on her face.

"You've been threatening my sister! You think I wouldn't of found out? And last night was your fault, not Camryn's! I can't be with someone who threatens adn blames my sister! We're over, Chloe," Nathan yells.

Chloe stood up and went to the door of the apartment and opened it, but before she left, she said one thing that Nathan didn't want to hear,

"Fine then. But just so you know I was cheating on you and using you for your money and fame. I'll get my stuff later. Bye, Nathan," and with that, she left, slamming the door, leaving Nathan stood in the middle of the main room shocked.


Hey guys! Okay, so here's chapter 9. Hope you enjoyed. We caught a glimpse of Camryn's life here, and it now has become official that Chloe is a complete and utter bitch. That may or may not be the last time you hear from her. Well, that's all for now. Bye!


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