Chapter 8- Found Out

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The next day, Camryn woke up super early. Sitting up and stretching while rubbing her eyes, she suddenly remembers last night. She can't remember the last time Nathan ever yelled at her like that. Sighing, Camryn gets out of bed and heads for her bathroom.

Stripping down until she was completely bare, Camryn looked at herself. Long blonde/brown hair that frames her face, blue-green eyes with long lashes and dark circles under her eyes from the lack of sleep. A button nose, just like her brother, and a pair of pink lips that seem to always be in a frown. Then to the left side of her face, a red mark in the shape of a hand.

Letting out the breath she didn't know she was holding, Camryn turns on the shower and steps into the falling water. Camryn lets out a wince of pain causing her to look down at her arms. She watches the crusted blood on her arms that she didn't seem to get last night wash away down the drain.

Getting out of the shower, Camryn gets dressed and ready for the day ahead. Walking out of her bathroom and into her bedroom. She finds her brother sitting on the end of her bed looking directly at her, causing her to stop dead in her tracks. They hold each others gazes for a few moments before Camryn averts her eyes to the ground, suddenly finding the hardwood floor interesting.

Nathan moving off the bed over to the door of her bedroom causes Camryn to snap her eyes up at him. Motioning for her to leave her room with his head, Camryn walks out of the only place she feels sane, following her brother to the living room where he motions her to sit on the couch with his hand while he sits on the coffee table in front of her.

"What was last night about?" Nathan questioned.

"I walked into the kitchen to make tea and Chloe was sitting there. but after a while she talked saying how it was only my second day here and I was already in trouble and sh-" Camryn got cut off.

"But you weren't in trouble. I'm sorry, continue," Nathan said.

"She said how I should get in trouble more so she wouldn't have to see me. I started to say that I didn't know what her problem was with me but she cut me off by slapping me, and I just broke and knocked her down while punching her. I stood up and that's when you came in," Camryn finished, looking up at her brother.

"And that's where you got this hand print?" Nathan asked, touching the side of his sister's face. Camryn gritted her teeth and nodded while Nathan sighed, "If she slapped you, you should've been the bigger person and walked away, not stay and hit back."

"You're my brother, you're supposed to see what's going on," Camryn mumbled.

"What's that supposed to mean, Cam?" Nathan looked at her confused.

"Chloe threatens me," Camryn blurted out.

Nathan scoffed," I highly doubt that."

Camryn stood up, "What's that supposed to mean? She does! She told me to stay away from you or my life would be a nightmare, a living hell!" Camryn shouted.

"If she's threatening you, why didn't you say anything? I could've done something!" he exclaimed, Camryn shook her head.

"Because you're happiness is more important to me! I don't like putting my problems on your shoulders. But obviously, you can't see that!" Camryn yelled at her brother, going to walk away.

Nathan catches her wrist, pulling her back, but this only results in Camryn yelping out in pain, pulling her arm out of Nathan's grasp to cradle it. Nathan looked at Camryn curiously before reaching out for his sister's arm only to have her back up. They continued this until Camryn was cowered in a corner with Nathan in front of her. Nathan grabs Camryn's arm and pulls the sleeve of her shirt up to her elbow. Lowering his hand to her forearm, Nathan caresses and examines it with wide eyes.

Looking up into his sister's face, he clearly sees now how broken she actually is. Camryn looks up at him and into his eyes to see sadness and hurt in them. Camryn sighs and turns her head away from him, casting her eyes to the ground, not realizing that the tears she was trying to hold back fell from her eyes.

"Oh, Cammy," Nathan softly said, pulling Camryn into a hug causing her to flinch and cry harder, "Okay, okay. Shh. Shh. It's okay. What caused this?"

"Y-you were g-gone a-an-and sc-school an-" Camryn stammered out between sobs.

"Okay, okay. How about you go in your room and sit on the bed and calm down. I'll be right there with some tea. Okay? Go on," Nathan soothingly said and Camryn nodded, standing up going in her room, closing the door quietly behind her.

Nathan walked into the kitchen and put the kettle on. Leaning against the counter waiting for the kettle to boil, he sighed, running his hands through his hair.

'How have I not noticed how broken my little sister is? She needs me and is being threatened by my girlfriend. I won't put up with that.' Nathan thought while pouring the steaming water into the mugs set out on the counter.


Hey guys! Okay, so here's Chapter 8. Hope you liked it. Chapter 9 shall be up Monday, next Saturday or next Monday. So, tell me what ya think down in the comments below and vote. Not much to say. Bye!


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