Chapter 13- Date Day

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Camryn awoke the next morning in a jittery manner. She was going on a date with Stephen, the boy she had just known for a little over four months, but who had become her best friend in a short amount of time. Looking over at her digital clock, Camryn sees that it had just turned ten thirty. Deciding that she should start getting ready, Camryn stands up off her bed and makes her way into her en-suite.

While in the shower, Camryn subconsciously scratches at her forearm. Not realizing that she's doing it, Camryn accidentally scratches her unhealed cuts open, allowing the shower water to get in. Feeling the burning sensation, Camryn pulls her hand away to finally notice what she had done.

Quickly finishing her shower and drying off, Camryn gets her bandages out and wraps her arm up. With her arm wrapped and being fully clothed, Camryn walks out of her en-suite to notice that the time is eleven fifty-five.

Running out of her room and down the hallway, Camryn glides into the kitchen only to have Nathan and Stephen to stop their conversation and look towards her flustered state. Noticing their gazes upon her, Camryn starts to go a deep shade of red while the two boys laugh.

"Ready Cam?" Stephen asked after he had calmed down. Camryn nodded sharply. "Great! Let's go. Nath, mate, I promise to have her back by ten," and with that, the two made their way out of the flat and to Stephen's car.


It was now seven at night and it was already dark considering it was November. Camryn was having an amazing time. They had gone to the cinema and out to eat. They joked around and talked about nonsense. Their date was slowly coming to an end, and Stephen had a surprise for Camryn.

As the two were walking, Camryn kept asking where they were going, even throwing in a few puppy dog eyes here and there, but Stephen wasn't letting anything slip. Once they arrived at their destination, Camryn gasped. The London Eye. He had taken her to the London Eye and they were the only ones there, besides an employee.

Leading her over to one of the pods, Stephen pays the operator and then gets into the pod with Camryn. As soon as the door on the pod closed, they started to move. Camryn looks up at Stephen and smiles while Stephen does the same, adding in a wink. Camryn looks back out the glass pod, staring in awe as Stephen wraps his arms around her waist in a hug.

The wheel soon stops abruptly at the top, but the two mates aren't fazed as they continue to look out the window.

"It's beautiful," Camryn said.

"Not as beautiful as you," Stephen whispered causing Camryn to giggle at how cliche the whole situation was, but the sound of a singing voice made her stop.

"Lights will guide you home

And ignite your bones

And I will try to fix you." Camryn looks up at Stephen, speechless. Before she can say anything, Stephen raises his hand to stop her.

"We've become so close over the past three, four months, and it wasn't until this morning I learned one of your biggest secrets yet," Stephen sighed. "Nathan told me about you self harming. He told me everything, start to finish. My promise to you is that I will try to fix you. Camryn Rosalie Sykes, will you be my girlfriend?" Stephen asked.

Unable to talk and tears running down her face, Camryn nodded. A smile grew across Stephen's face as he hugged his new girlfriend, all the while wiping the tears off her face. Leaning down, Stephen places his lips down on Camryn's in a passionate kiss.

'What a night,' Camryn thought while her lips were still attached to Stephen's, and Stephen was thinking the same thing.


Hey guys! Okay, so this is Chapter 13, and I will be updating and writing this story until it is finished. I'm going to try and wrap this story up by Monday. Gonna try to finish all the chapters today, and post frequently throughout the next two days. So, keep your eyes peeled.


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