Chapter 15- Back to Gloucester

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Two weeks had passed since the slip Nathan made, and as far as he knows, Camryn doesn't know a thing. Right now, the two siblings were on their way back to Gloucester for Christmas, as it was in three days.

Arriving at the memory-filled house, Camryn immediately hops out of the car, running for the front door. "Camryn! Be careful!" Nathan yelled after his sister, considering that there was ice and snow all over the place. Unlike Camryn, Nathan carefully walks up to the door while it was opening.

Stepping inside the warm house, the two took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of gingerbread. Dropping her bags, Camryn runs into the kitchen and tackles her mother in a hug. Giving a light laugh, Karen hugs her daughter back. After a while, Camryn pulls away and heads over to Phil, her and Nathan's step father.

Once all the greetings were done with, Camryn went back to the foyer to collect her things before making her way up the stairs into her old room. Dropping her bags once more, Camryn goes over to her old bed and flops down on it on her back. After a few moments of laying there and staring up at the ceiling, Camryn's eyes soon started to flutter close, signalling that she had fallen asleep.


"Cammy, wake up. Dinner's ready," Nathan said, shaking Camryn awake while he was at it.

"Nooo. Five more minutes," Camryn groaned.

"Nope. Now, get up before I fling you over my shoulder," Nathan playfully threatened, causing Camryn to sleepily open her eyes.

"Carry me," Camryn said, stretching her arms out while giving Nathan her best set of puppy dog eyes. Sighing dramatically, Nathan bends down and takes his sister into his arms and carries her to the dining room bridal style.

While Nathan walks down the stairs, Camryn leans her head onto Nathan's chest, interlocking her arms around his neck. Once at the bottom of the staircase, Karen pops out from around the corner and snaps a picture of her two kids.

After dinner, Nathan offered to help his other clean up so Camryn and Phil could catch up. While washing the dishes, the mother and son caught up on what had been happening. Nathan told his mum about the fight between Chloe and Camryn, how he broke up with Chloe, but most importantly, how he found out about Camryn self harming. He told Karen everything, even how Camryn reacted to certain things. Being grateful for what her son had told her, it didn't change how much she loved her daughter.

Later on that night, there was a footie match on, which called for a few beers according to the two men in the house. By the end of the game, Phil was already asleep and Nathan was far from sober.

Walking into the kitchen, Nathan spots his sister by the kettle. Making his way over to her, Nathan hugs Camryn from behind, causing her to giggle. "Nath, you're drunk. Go to bed."

"B-but I h-have somethin' to t-tell you," he managed to hiccup out, making Camryn roll her eyes and shake her head.

"Okay, but then you need to go to bed," Camryn told her brother sternly.

"I-I saw C-Chloe and h-had s-sex w-with h-her the night y-you stayed w-with Stephen," Nathan slurred out.

"What? But what about no secrets? Were you even going to tell me, your sister, that you went back to that bitch just for a one night stand?" Camryn raged.

"I just told you, so it isn't a secret, and so what if I did?" Nathan shrugged.

"Unbelievable. That's disgusting, Nath. What else are you hiding from me? Camryn said then went up to her room.

Searching around her bag, Camryn finally pulls out her blade. Lifting her sleeves, Camryn harshly rips the pale skin apart with the jagged piece of metal. Quickly finishing, Camryn wraps her arms and goes to bed, not knowing if she should trust her brother anymore.


Okay, so this is Chapter 15, hoped you liked it. This is the last chapter I will be updating today. I will try to get more up tomorrow. 


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