Chapter 14- Slip Up

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A month had passed and Camryn and Stephen were still going strong. Nathan, being the overprotective older brother he is, didn't accept their relationship at first, but he's learned to live with it.

It was seven o'clock at night and Camryn was at Stephen's to stay the night, so Nathan decided to go out and get piss drunk. Grabbing his phone and wallet, he leaves his flat and sets off towards the closest pub.

Arriving there quickly, Nathan goes straight over to the bar and orders a beer. Having drink in hand, Nathan turns towards the dance floor and leans against the bar. Watching the tightly packed crowd of sweaty bodies move and dance about, Nathan starts to think over his life up until then.

Getting into a band at age 16, cracking the entire world, number one singles, and then the band decides to take a break. Goes home with his now ex-girlfriend, asks Camryn to move in with him, girlfriend and sister get in a fight, learns sister harms herself, breaks up with girlfriend. Before he can think any farther, the person he was waiting for finally appears in front of him.

"Hey," the girl whispers. "Ready?" Nathan nods his head stiffly, grabbing hold of the girl's hand and walking out to the cab waiting for them. "My place or yours?"

"Mine. Camryn isn't there," Nathan replies quickly.

As soon as Nathan tells the driver the address, he connects his lips with the girls. Their kiss quickly heated up into a makeout session, the girl almost sitting on his lap.

Arriving at the destination, Nathan pays the cabbie and then is yanked towards the set of flats. Hurriedly making their way to Nathan's flat and his bedroom, they immediately strip, the girl pushing Nathan down onto the bed.

"Ya ready for me, Nath?" the girl teases.

"Oh, you know it, Chlo."


"Bye, Nathy. Call me if you need it again," Chloe said while walking out the door, slamming it shut once she's out.

Walking over to the couch, Nathan plops himself down and puts his head in his hands. 'What was I thinking? Everyone's a loud to slip once in awhile, right? I can't tell Camryn what happened, she'll hate me.'

It was with these happy thoughts in his head that Nathan decided it was best to go to bed.


Okay, so.... Here's Chapter 14. Hoped you liked it and sorry it's short, but without it, the story would not progress on. Again, I hoped you liked this chapter. Also, thank you so much for the 300+ reads on this and the 50.7K reads on Another Cinderella Story. I'm glad you guys are enjoying these stories.


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