Chapter 17- Why?

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The next day was a lazy day for Camryn and Nathan. They didn't want to do anything significant, so it was all take out all day. The two of them just sat on the sofa and watched Netflix. Family Guy to be more specific.

At around five o'clock, Nathan decided to order a pizza for him and Camryn to share. While waiting for the pizza to arrive, Camryn told Nathan that she would be back, as she was going to go see Stephen.

Walking out of the flat, Camryn walks down the hall to Stephen's. Lifting her fist and knocking, Camryn waits for a few minutes before the door opened to show a very flustered and topless Stephen.

"Oh, uh. Hey babe," Stephen stuttered.

"Hey? Is there something wrong?" Camryn asked.

"Huh? Oh, nope, nothing wrong here."

"Baby. Come back to bed," a girl's voice from inside the flat moaned, causing Stephen to close his eyes and take a deep breath.

"Stephen?" Camryn quietly said.

"Cam, it's not what it seems like," Stephen tried to say, reaching out for Camryn only to have her take a step back.

"No," she whispered. "No, no, no, no. It's not true. Y-you cheated. Ha, you cheated! Th-this is great! Just. Great," Camryn mentally broke down, running off down the hall towards Nathan's flat.

Rushing through the door and slamming it behind her, Camryn runs to her room, slamming that door too. The tears she so desperately tried to hold back started to fall quickly. Making her way to her bathroom as fast as she can, Camryn grabs her blade and starts slicing her bruised and scarred arms. The tears blurred her vision as she fell to the ground, dropping the blade and screaming. Camryn continues to scream 'why me?' while sitting in a pool of scarlett red blood that has fallen from her arms to the floor.

Nathan bursts through the bedroom door only to find his little sister sitting in a pool of her own blood while the blood still pours out of her arms. Sprinting over, Nathan applies pressure to the cuts she made. Once the blood had somewhat stopped, Nathan grabs the antibacterial cream and rubs it on the cuts, resulting in Camryn hissing in pain. He grabs a roll of bandages and starts to wrap her arms up tight. Once he's done, Nathan gets a pair of pajamas out and hands them to Camryn, telling her to get dressed in the bedroom so he can clean the bathroom up.

Walking out of the bathroom, Nathan finds Camryn sitting in her bed against the wall under the covers. Shuffling over, he gets under the covers and wraps his arms around his sister. Singing quietly in her ear, Camryn falls asleep with thoughts of how she would kill herself. It really wasn't a matter of how, but when.

And the best time to do it would be on New Year's Eve, right before midnight.


Hey guys! Okay, so this is Chapter 17, which means that there are only 3 chapters left. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.


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