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Like usually I'm running late to my work. I opened the door from the cafeteria and walked in the back room to change my clothes. I put on our apron and finally stood behind the counter.
"Early like always." laughed Malia, one of my workmates and good friends. "I can't even figure out more excuses." I sighed and laughed too. "Time for work amore mio." I said. "Go get table 8 and 9 please." she smiled and I nodded.

I served everyone, what they had asked for and relaxed behind the counter again. "It's calm in here today." said Malia and sipped a bit of her coffee. "Good for us." I said happily. "Speaking of relaxing and peace, can you get that man, who just came in, I'm so exhausted." she said. "Anything for you darling." I smiled and turned around to face the guy. "Buongiorno, cosa posso portarvi? (Good morning, what can I get you?)" I asked him. "Buongiorno, posso avere un espresso? (can I have an espresso?)" he said, while looking into his phone. "Qui o da portare via? (here or to take away?)" I asked. "Da portare via per favore. (take away please.)" he said still focusing on his phone. "Certo, ci vorrà un minuto. (Sure, it'll take a minute.)" I smiled and went to prepare it.

"1.86 per favore. (1.86 euro please.)" I said, while handing him the coffee. "Grazie mille. (thank you so much.)" he said and finally at least looked at me, while taking the coffee. He touched the coffee, but didn't take it, so we both stood there looking at each other and holding the cup of coffee. "Va tutto bene? (Is everything alright?)" I asked after a while. "Più di quello. (more than that.)" he smiled and took the coffee. He sat down to the nearest table and I went back to Malia.

"He's staring at you." she grinned. "What? Who?" I asked. "The guy you just gave the coffee to." she smiled. "Okay and?" I laughed. "OKAY AND?!!!" she shouted at me. "That's Charles Carly!! Are you living under a rock?!" she looked at me in disbelief. "Probably." I laughed at her. "He's a formula 1 driver and he is freaking handsome!" she said gushing at him. "I don't know him and you know I have a boyfriend." I said and looked at her seriously. "Are you really talking about Sebastian? Because we do not like that guy at all and he is the worst boyfriend to you babe, I told you many times." she said annoyed. "I like him Mal." I said and she sighed. "But ye this guy is kinda handsome." I said turning around to look at him again. Our eyes met, he smiled at me once again and then finished his coffee.

He walked up to the counter and Malia pushed me to go to him. "Pensavo avessi chiesto del caffè da portare via. (i thought you asked for coffee to go)" I grinned and he laughed. "Questo era il mio piano prima che i miei occhi incontrassero i tuoi. (that was my plan before my eyes met yours)" he winked and it made me blush. "Bene, ha bisogno di qualcos'altro, signore? (well, do you need anything else, sir?)" I asked leaning on the counter. "Un appuntamento con una bella donna. (a date with a beautiful woman.)" he said moving his face closer to mine. "Oh scusa, non serviamo questo, quindi non posso aiutarti. (oh sorry we don't serve this so I can't help you.)" I gave him a sad smile and he grinned. "Che peccato, beh spero che lo aggiungerai alle tue offerte per domani. (what a shame, well I hope you add it to your offers for tomorrow.)" he smiled and left.

I turned back to Malia, who was literally about to freak out. "Stop." I laughed. "The tension? Oh my god! He couldn't get enough of you!!!" she said and definitely was freaking out. "I'm so jealous Car!" she said and hugged me. "You can have him." I smiled. "No way! He likes you and I'm pretty sure, he is in your mind too." she grinned. I rolled my eyes at her, but she wasn't wrong...

At 5pm it was time to close. We cleaned up everything and locked the door. "Ciao mia bella ragazza. (hello my beautiful girl.)" said Sebastian, who had just arrived to pick me up. He kissed me right away and held me tightly. "You learnt something in Italien for me? That's so sweet." I said and smiled at him. "For you and you only my love." he nodded. "Of course you did." laughed Mal. "Mal please go, see you tomorrow okay?" I hugged her, she smiled at me, gave a bad look to Seb and sighed. "Tomorrow babe." she said and left. "I don't get, what is her problem." laughed Sebastian and led me to the car. "Don't mind her Seb, she just doesn't know you." I smiled and caught his hand. "I hope you are not talking bad about me. You know the rules right darling?" he asked and squeezed my hand very tightly. "Of course I know." I said and he relented the grip. "Good, that's how we work." he said and sat into the car. I got in too and we left to my apartment.

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