Chapter 7

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"I should leave", Regina said, letting go of my hand and getting up. "Are you sure?" I asked. "I need to pay the babysitter, couldn't leave Roland alone", Regina replied giving me a gentle smile. "Promise me to sort things out with Ruby" she said before leaving the room.

I spent the rest of the party in my room, looking at the ceiling, the blade in my hand.  I lifted my hand to see the blade and decided to throw it away, I was ready to throw it away. I got up and dropped it to the bin under my desk. "Never again", I murmured under my breath. The phone on my bed vibrated, it was a text from Ruby. "Got home safe."

"Good", I replied shortly, the noises from the party had quieted down so I decided to get myself something to eat. The living room was empty and so was the kitchen. "Anyone home?" I asked looking through the fridge. "I am", Mom appeared to the door. "Where's dad?" I asked. "He left to eat at Granny's, we could order a pizza, what do you think?" mom said. I nodded and closed the fridge door.

We decided to watch a movie while we ate, the movie was the Snow white and the seven Dwarfs, it took the rest of the evening. "I think I'm going to bed, you should go too", mom said when the movie ended. "I will", I told her gathering both of our plates and taking them to the kitchen. "Good night, honey!" mom yelled from the living room. "Good night, mom!" I yelled back before putting the dishes in the dishwasher. After brushing my teeth I went straight to bed and fell a sleep.

I woke up to a sun shining on my face. I reached for my phone that had been laying on my floor the whole night to see that it was 11 am. No one else would be home. I got up to find a letter on the kitchen counter left by my mom. 

"Emma, you've been feeling good for a while so I thought you could find yourself a job, so you would have something to do before going back to school. Let's talk more when I get back home.

Love: mom"

I dropped the letter back to the counter and returned to my room, I wanted to go outside. I found myself a hoodie and black jeans before putting on my red leather jacket and stepping outside. The spring was clearly coming fast, the wind wasn't as cold anymore. I walked to Storybrooke's center and straight into Granny's. 

"Is Ruby on shift?", I asked from Granny looking through the place. "No sweetheart, she's in school", Granny smiled gently. "Right", I said back, how had I forgotten that not everyone were too sick for school. "How was she this morning?" I asked. "Fine, why do you ask?" granny asked back. "She just said something stupid yesterday, don't worry about it", I replied. "I can talk to her if you want", Granny offered. "No it's okay, I can sort it out with her later", I said. "Okay then, she comes to work at 3 pm right after school, you can meet her here then", Granny told. I nodded quietly trying to decide what to say. 

"Are you hiring new employees? My mom thinks I should get a job till I go back to school", I finally asked. "Sorry, I don't have the money for it. You could go to the library and ask them", she suggested. "Thank you anyway, I'll go ask at the library", I said turning around. "Ask for Belle, she's the one you want to talk about these things", Granny shouted to me before the door closed.   

I headed to the library across the street, a bell rang quietly when I walked in. The smell of old books filled my lungs as I tried to find myself a route to the counter. I walked between bookshelves filled with dusty books, some of them seemed centuries old. 

I spotted a brunette woman sitting down behind the counter, reading a book. "Hi", I said quietly getting closer. The woman jumped a little and put down her book. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you", I apologized. "It's fine, I just get way too deep into the book sometimes", the woman smiled, her smile was the kindest I had ever seen. "Are you here to find yourself something to read?", she asked. "Umm, no, I'm trying to find one of your employees", I said. "Who are you looking for? I can send a message to them and tell that you came by", the woman said, looking through her desk, trying to find herself a paper and a pen. "I'm looking for Belle. Granny said that she could help me", I told her. The woman's expression changed and she put down the pen she had just found. "I'm Belle", she said. 

"I'm Emma Swan", I replied. "So, Emma, what can I help you with?", Belle asked, her spine tall. "I need a job", I said. Belle's smile grew bigger, she got up from her chair. "You're in luck, we are hiring", she said. I nodded and smiled back at her. "Let's go to the back and have a chat, shall we", she pointed at the back of the library.

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