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Ruby was sitting on the floor of the livingroom in the Swan household as the rain pelted down outside. Oliver was sitting with her telling her about the world where they are from.

"So it's like some Thor shit?" She asked

"No, not really. We are kind of like the characters from that book you always read"

"Shadow hunters?"

"Yeah! but minus the blades and evil guy and converted churches and the insanely difficult way of entering."

"So nothing like it at all?"

"Yeah, just had to give you a sort of idea. We are a bunch of people from a hidden environment in which we all do magic and we are all badasses." He shrugged

"So kind of like how the Wizarding world in Harry Potter is differnt to the muggle world?"

"Bingo. You got it"

"Great. So what is the deal with that place."

"Xocia is under a monarchy" Charlie informed, walking in with a beer


"We are technically related to the monarch, but we live here"

"Woah, what? So how come we arent there?"

"Xocia has a mourning period, in which the parliment listen to the people's concerns and come up with away to make everyone happy. It usually takes a few months, but there are certain people who want a republic rather than a monarchy."

"Couldve just said there is a revolution"

"It is a dangerous place at the minute." Oliver said, standing up.

"Today was good, keep practacing. you are getting so much better." He smiled before disappearing.

"So, what is your plan for today?" Charlie asked

"Chill out here. I imagine that one of my mates will end up coming here."

"That's fine, don't you have a field trip tomorrow?"

"Yeah, don't remind me." She groaned as she got a message.

Esybear 🩷

I'm outside. xx

Omw x

Omw? What does that mean? Xx

Means On my way, love x

Oh!  Silly me 🤪☺️

Ruby smiled at her phone before looking to her dad

"Esme's here, were going to get Carlisle then come back here"

"Okay, I'll be at work. Be safe baby" Charlie told his youngest, who kissed his cheek

"Will do. Love you dad"

"Love you too sweetheart"

Esme grinned as Ruby got in the car.

"Hey there bee." Esme smiled.

"Hi Es. How has your day been?" Ruby asked as she kissed Esme's cheek

"Boring, the usual, but the kings and Didyme kept me company"

"Nice. Oh! I forgot to tell you the cheek of Bella. I have had to change my locks three times because she keeps picking them."

"Why don't you just move in with us?"

"Because I missed dad and I can't do that to him. He just got me back."

"We'll spend more time at your house. Charlie works most of the time and maybe seeing us around will make Bella be nicer?" Esme suggested.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2023 ⏰

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