Chapter 15

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The sunlight shines into a room filled with different books, a man sitting at his desk reading his paper. He looks up at the clock on the wall and back at his form.

Knock* knock*

  He turns to the door that opens without him saying anything.

"She won't meet you," said the woman that came in, "if you want to meet her, go meet her yourself" She turn disbelief and sat on the sofa.

" that all?" his expression soften, "is she alright?"

"Of course; if she isn't, she won't make such a remark."

"..." he stayed quiet as he continued on his paper.

  The woman looked at him and made her way toward him. "My lord, isn't it about time you take a break? My son can take care of your work," she rubs his arm.

"I'm fine..." he said,

"My lord, it's about time you let go of your work. Our son can take care of the business," a grin appears, "don't you think so?"

"'re right. I guess it's time for me to step down" he put his pen down and turned to her. "I will arrange everything."

"Perfect! I will be here~" she smiled, ''Finally, we can take all his money; Dai, my son, we did it. We don't have to worry about getting kicked out."

"I will call Fial in."

".......what?" she looks confused, "Fial? Didn't we talk about Dai?"

"Fial has passed my test, and Dai was slow in passing."

"Test? What test?" she looked at him, confused.

"When y/n leave for an expedition, I assign both of them a different task with the same topic," he continues, "and Fial passes."

"How come I didn't know?" she looked at him

"It's a test that the next head must take, even if only Dai exists. If he didn't pass, that meant he won't," he looked up at her, "it's that rule that even I follow when I'm an outsider."

  She glares at him and storms out of the room without saying anything.

  The man sighs* and begins to write something; he calls someone to get them to deliver a letter to Fial.

"Yes, my lord," they bow and go do the task that they were assigned.

  His expression didn't change. He looks at the picture frame on his table. Regret... "I'm sorry..." he said, but isn't it a bit too late?


"What's that?" you peek from behind your brother

"A letter...from father," he said, "I have passed the test, and now he is ready for retirement" he let out a small laugh...

"You don't look so happy about that," you smile as you pad his back, "Don't worry, I will help you with some work you need getting done."

"It's fine," he said as he folded the letter in half, "I know this day would come; I didn't know he would let it go this fast."

"..." you smile, "isn't he always like that? Doing things behind our back all the time."

"Haha, I guess you're right," he laughed, "let's think about it later. Today is the day we celebrate your discharge. We don't want anything sad in it," he smiled.

"Right," you roll your eyes, "I said I didn't need one."

"But we need one for you."

"..." you pout, "I'm gonna go for a walk."

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