7. The Bathtub

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My mother was furious. I sat in between Nancy and Jonathan with an ice pack over my knuckles at one of the officer's desks when she walked in.

She stormed through the door, walking straight up to me with Hopper right behind her.

"(Y/N)? Jesus, what happened?" she questioned me.

Officer Callahan, the one that detained me, stood up. "Ma'am . . ."

"I'm fine," I assured her, readjusting the ice pack.

Jonathan sighed. "No you're not," he argued.

Mom shifted her attention to him, noticing the cuffs around my brother's wrists.

"Why is he wearing handcuffs?" she fired at the officer.

"Well, your boy assaulted a police officer. That's why," Callahan explained.

"Take them off," Joyce demanded.

"I am afraid I cannot do that," Callahan said.

"Take them off!" my mom repeated, louder this time.

"You heard her. Take 'em off," Hopper spoke for the first time.

Officer Powell stepped in. "Chief, I get everyone's emotional here, but there's something you need to see."

I groaned and threw my head back, mentally preparing myself for the questioning I was about to receive.

Hopper, Powell, and Callahan left the building and came back with the cardboard box.

Mom looked inside and moved everything around, glancing at all three of us.

"What is this?" she asked.

"Why don't you ask your son? We found it in his car," Hopper said.

"What?" Joyce asked, bewildered.

"Why are you going through my car?" Jonathan demanded.

Hopper leaned over the desk at him. "Is that really the question you should be asking right now? I wanna see you in my office."

"You won't believe us," I muttered.

Hopper glared at me. "Why don't you give me a try?"


Nancy handed Hopper the picture of the creature.

I sat back in one of the three chairs across from the Chief's desk, Nancy and Jonathan on either side of me. Hopper sat on the edge of his desk, Joyce beside him.

"You say blood draws this thing?" Hopper asked.

"We don't know," Jonathan answered.

"It's just a theory," Nancy added.

Joyce shot me and my brother a disappointed look, before getting up and gesturing us to go outside with her.

"I'm sorry, Mom," Jonathan apologized as soon as we left the room.

I closed the door behind me just before Mom spoke. "What, you're sorry? You're sorry? That is not good enough, Jonathan. That's not even close, it's not even in the ballpark. And why didn't you say anything, (Y/N)?"

"I wanted to tell you. I just--" But she cut me off.

"What if this thing took you, too? You risked both of your lives . . . and Nancy's."

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