20. The Sauna Test

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Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've had writers block for ages. Anyway, enjoy!


I shifted in my chair, listening to Dustin explain what he saw up on the roof again this morning. Robin sat next to me, and on her other side sat Steve.

Dustin paced back and forth in the break room, word after word tumbling out of his mouth.

"That keycard opens the door, but unfortunately, the Russian with this keycard also has a massive gun," Dustin said, pausing his pacing to point a finger at us to exaggerate before he started pacing again.

"Whatever's in this room, whatever's in those boxes, they really don't want anyone finding it," he said.

Suddenly, a Scoops Ahoy hat hit me square in the face, followed by loud laughing. I looked up across the table at Steve, who had been previously twirling his hat around his finger.

I picked the white hat up from my lap, where it had fallen, and threw it back at him, fake laughing. He caught it before it hit his face, and fixed the top of it by blowing air to puff it out again. Then he placed it on the table.

"But there's gotta be a way in," Robin said from beside me.

"Well, you know, I could just take him out," Steve offered.

This time I actually laughed. "Take who out?" Robin asked.

"The Russian guard," Steve said.

I laughed even louder.

Steve looked at me. "What? I sneak up behind him, I knock him out, and I take his keycard. It's easy."

Dustin scoffed. "Did you not hear the part about the massive gun?"

Steve glanced over at him. "Yes, Dustin, I did. And that's why I would be sneaking," he said, demonstrating walking with his fingers.

"Well, please, tell me this, and be honest, have you ever actually . . . won a fight?" Dustin asked.

"Okay, that was one time," Steve defended himself.

"Twice. (Y/N), year prior?" Dustin countered.

"Wait, actually?" Robin snickered.

I nodded, and she fist-bumped me.

"Listen, that doesn't count," Steve argued.

"Really? Because it looks like I beat the shit out of you," I said, leaning forward with my elbows on the table.

"Yeah, you got a fat lip, crooked nose," Dustin added.

"Don't forget the swollen eye," I grinned.

"And a lot of blood," Dustin said.

"That just might work," Robin said quietly, getting up out of her chair.

She ran out to the counter and grabbed the money from the tip jar, and Steve, Dustin, and I ran out to catch her.

"Robin" I called.

"Hey, Robin!" Steve tried. "What are you doing?"

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