18. The Mall Rats

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"Have a nice day," Robin deadpanned as she handed an adult couple ice cream cones.

I closed the window just before a curly haired kid came up to the register, having seen enough of Robin's misery for one day.

"She could be a little more happy," I sighed, her boredom rubbing off on me.

Steve laughed humorlessly. "Yeah, I know."

"I'm Robin," the muffled voice of Robin came from the other side of the window.

"Oh my God is someone hitting on her?" I said excitedly, leaning toward the window to hear better.

"Pleasure to meet you. Uh, are they here?" A very familiar sounding voice said.

I gasped. "Oh my God. Dustin's here."

Steve shot up out of the chair and ran to the break room door just as I heard Robin say "Are who here?"

Steve barged through the red door, and I slid open the window and climbed over the counter and into the area that we serve the ice cream.

Dustin looked between the two of us, his features lighting up in happiness.

"Henderson!" Steve and I shouted.

I followed him to the seating area and out from behind the counter.

"He's back! He's back!" Steve yelled excitedly.

"I'm back!" Dustin shouted with just as much enthusiasm.

I rushed over and hugged the living shit out of Dustin, picking him up and spinning him around. I laughed and placed him back down on the ground, kissing his cheek.

"You're back!" I chuckled.

"Yup," he said, and I stepped aside so Steve could say hi.

"You got the job!" I smiled at the surprise in Dustin's tone.

"I got the job!" Steve imitated playing a trumpet, to which Robin cringed at. I went back behind the register with her while the two guys did some weird handshake thing.

At one point, they pretended they had lightsabers and then Steve had spilled all his guts out. They were both laughing like mad, and I honestly thought it was kind of sweet how close with Dustin that Steve was.

"How many children are you guys friends with?" Robin asked.

Steve sighed, and gestured to Robin with his hand, showing Dustin his new friend.


"That's not possible," I said, taking a bite from Dustin's banana sundae.

"No, no. No way. Hotter than Phoebe Cates? There's only one person I know that's hotter than her," Steve said.

"Oh yeah? And who might that be?" I asked, jealousy ringing through me.

"Uh well-" Steve started to say.

"Brilliant, too." Dustin saved him from answering. "And she doesn't even care that my real pearls are still coming in. She says kissing is better without teeth."

"It's also harder to leave hickeys," I pointed out, licking my spoon.

Steve hit my shoulder and shook his head. Then he looked back at Dustin. "Wow, yeah. That's great. Proud of you, man. That's kinda romantic."

Dustin nodded and looked down at his ice cream. "So do you really just get to eat as much of this as you want?"

"Yeah, it's great," I confirmed, thinking of how Steve and I almost finished the whole entire tub of chocolate ice cream.

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