13. Dig Dug

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Mrs. Henderson was currently outside, shaking a cat toy, trying to call Mews.

"What are we going to do?" I panicked, pacing back and forth in the Henderson's living room.

"I have an idea," Dustin said.

I stopped pacing and watched him walk over to the phone. He didn't even dial a number, he just picked it up and put it to his ear.

"Come stand next to me and act like you're trying to listen to the conversation," he instructed.

I did just that, and leaned over toward him to make it seem like I was listening to the other end of the conversation.

His mom walked in a few minutes later, and she asked, "Dusty, baby, are you sure she's not in your room?"

Dustin held up a finger to her, acting like he was listening to someone talk on the phone.

I smiled apologetically at Mrs. Henderson, then turned back to continue pretending to listen to whoever was supposed to be talking on the other side of the phone.

"Uh-huh," Dustin said. His mother walked over.

"If you'd like to make a call . . ."

"Thank you so much, Mr. McCorkle. Thank you so much. You are a true lifesaver. Alright, this was great. Thank you, alright. Have a good one. Bye-bye now. Alright. You, too."

Dustin put the phone back down and turned around to face his mom, who had the most hopeful look on her face it made my chest hurt.

"Great news," I said with my most convincing of smiles.

"They found her?" Mrs. Henderson asked.

"No. But they saw her wandering around Loch Nora," Dustin lied.

"How did the poor baby get all the way out there?" Mrs. Henderson sniffed.

"I don't know. Lost, I guess. But they're gonna look for her. And I'll stay here, just in case they call again," Dustin said gently.

"You're gonna go help look, yeah? It's a good thing I came over, so you didn't have to call me to come babysit him. You don't have to pay me this time, just focus on finding Mews," I told her.

Mrs. Henderson gave both of us one of her famous hugs and set off out the door.

Both of our fake smiles dropped and we looked at each other in complete and utter panic.

"Let the games begin," I whispered.

Dustin laughed and rolled his eyes. "God, why are you so dramatic?"

"Hey, I made you laugh, didn't I?" I called after him as he went outside to open his cellar.

All became serious again as I rushed to his fridge, taking out every single bologna packet I could find, which just ended up being two.

Dustin came back inside and went into a supply closet and got out hockey gear for me and him.

"Okay, come on," I said, tearing open the packets and giving one to him.

We started dropping pieces to make a trail for Dart to follow, all the way out to the cellar. After that, we put on our hockey gear and took a deep breath at the same time.

"Ready?" I asked him.

"Ready," he nodded.

"Okay, you stay behind at the shed, and I'll lead Dart out," I said.

"Um, no way. Dart trusts me, he'll only listen to me," Dustin protested.

"Yes, but if you got hurt and we had to bring you to Hopper so he could take you to that lab-slash-hospital thing, I'd never hear the end of it," I argued.

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