17. Suzie, Do You Copy?

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Hey everyone. I'm sorry about the way that my little book here decided it wanted to be the victim of a wattpad glitch. It rearranged all my chapters, and I ended up having to uninstall the app and wait a little bit before reinstalling it. I hope and pray that the problem is resolved, but if it happens again, I've made sure to number my chapters just in case. Anyway, we're up and running again. Enjoy!


My royal blue sailor suit hung around my body as I handed a cone with strawberry ice cream in it to Lucas' little sister, Erica. She took from me, smiling giddily as she ran off with the rest of her friends, presumably to the big fountain in the middle of the mall.

"Uh oh, here come the kids," I muttered, smiling to myself as I spotted a flash of Max's ginger hair on the escalator.

"I'll warn Harrington." Robin, my co-worker and new best friend, appeared next to me, taking my place serving the ice cream. 

I chuckled, leaning back onto the counter. I watched as Mike, leading the group, came up and tapped the bell on the counter multiple times, completely disregarding the fact that Robin and I were right here and there was no need to do that.

I turned my body slightly, opening the frosted glass window behind me so Steve could hear what Robin had to say.

"Hey, dingus, your children are here," she called, not even turning around.

I made eye contact with Steve as he sighed and stood up from the table in the break room, walking over to the window. I laughed as he used an elbow to lean against the ledge.

"Again? Seriously?" Steve asked incredulously.

Mike didn't say anything, and instead opted for ringing the bell one last time.

I laughed once, righting myself from leaning over. "Alright, come on. Be quick." I waved them in as I lifted the counter piece that only employees were allowed to use.

Mike went first, followed by Max, Lucas, and then my little brother, Will. I ducked down and kissed him on the temple as he tried to avoid it, cringing away from me, but laughing all the while.

I managed to still press my lips to his head, but I couldn't even kiss him properly. I was smiling too wide.

Steve opened the door to the break room, and they all shuffled in. I scooched past them, and while Steve shut the door to the break room, I opened the door to the hallway that delivery people use to get to all the stores quickly.

"Come on, come on," Steve ushered the kids, making them walk faster.

"See? This is why (Y/N) is our favorite. She doesn't complain about it,' Mike said, pointing at me.

I giggled, waving them forward. "He's just worried that he's gonna get fired." I turned to look at him. "But I've told him a million times that our boss isn't going to catch us, so he needs to relax."

He rolled his eyes, then looked back at the kids before they disappeared into the theater. "I swear, if anybody hears about this-"

"We're dead!" the four of them yelled back.

I grinned, pushing Steve back inside the Scoops Ahoy break room, closing the door behind me.

A bunch of people had come into the ice cream parlor while Steve and I had been distracted, and Robin was drowning in customers.

"Go help her, it's your turn," I said, shoving Steve's chest with my finger.

He obliged, exiting the break room and going to the register to assist Robin. I made my way over to the sliding window, pulling both doors open and hoisting myself up onto the counter and sitting criss-cross on the ledge, watching Steve and Robin work.

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