Chapter 11

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A/N: Surprise. I'm sorry about the long wait. I didn't mean to have it this long. xD But I am slowly working on getting stuff edited, so I should be posting more or less regularly. Mind you, I am working on 50 other books too, so it'll still be a while.

Ya'll can still ask me to post, and I'll put it into my calendar.

Thanks for being patient with me.



Giselle left after that comment, Cooper calling her to do something. She didn't say another word about it, but I could tell that she wanted to have a longer discussion about what she meant soon, and I couldn't help but pray that it would be as soon as she was done with whatever Cooper had her doing.

In my opinion, it wouldn't be soon enough...

So, while I waited for her to come back, I laid on my bed with my eyes closed. I couldn't stop the million thoughts that moved around my brain, and I couldn't help but pray that one day I could.

My brain wandered over to the girl in the letter, and I couldn't help but wonder when she was supposed to get here. I had no idea who she was or if she was kind and would help me learn about being the Red Wolf even if she wasn't one herself.

I had no idea what she would be like and prayed that she wasn't as rude as I once imagined her to be.

There was movement from my tent flap, and I opened an eye and looked toward the entrance of my tent to see that Andrei was standing there with a worried soft smile on his face.

I offered him a small smile as well before I looked at the top of the tent. I stayed silent and listened to his soft padding footsteps while he walked over to me, not saying a word.

I felt the bed dip when he reached me and laid down beside me, not even caring that we were enclosed in a tent together where anyone could walk by and see us.

I sighed and leaned my head on his shoulder before I closed my eyes, feeling at peace, even though I had no idea why he was here nor why he wanted to hang out with me to begin with.

But I wasn't complaining, for I enjoyed his company more than he would ever know...

Andrei pulled me closer to him and kissed the side of my head. He didn't say a word and started to rub my arm, and I hummed happily, enjoying the comfort that he had brought me.

Slowly but surely, I started to doze and relax, letting his warmth surround me like a warm blanket, making me feel safe and protected.

However, that didn't last long when his stupid ass decided to poke me in the side hard, and I flinched and jerked awake.

"Hey," I complained and jumped away from him. I opened my eyes and glared, and he smiled innocently at me, his lighting up when he looked at me. "What was that for?"

"That was for you to wake up," he replied and dipped his head with a small hum in his voice. An innocent smile appeared on his face, and I couldn't help but smile back at him and shake my head.

Andrei sighed and grew serious before he turned to look at me. "But seriously, Caroline," he said softly. "We have to talk."

I groaned and closed my eyes while I turned away from him. "No," I replied. "I do not want to talk. Why do we have to talk?"

"Because talking is a form of communication," Andrei replied in a teacher tone, and I couldn't help but snort and roll my eyes. He tapped my arm. "And because I want to know what is going on in that head of yours." He paused and cocked his head while he studied me. "It has been an interesting day for you. Hasn't it?"

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