Chapter 16

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I closed my eyes a while later on my cot and hugged a pillow closer to my chest. I tried to fall asleep, even though for some reason, I couldn't.

I turned one way and then another with a small groan of annoyance while I opened my eyes and stared at the side of my tent.

When can I get out of this stupid place? I silently wondered while I closed my eyes again with a small sigh. I am going insane by being here alone.

The tent flap was flung open, and I opened my eyes and looked that way to see that Cooper was there, looking annoyed and a little... off.

"Cooper?" I asked and sat up while I furrowed my brows and cocked my head, my heart skipping a bit. "What is it? What's wrong?"

Cooper set his jaw and took a threatening step into the tent. His whole body was tense, and his gaze hard. He didn't say a word, and my heart pounded hard in my chest because I couldn't help but start to feel nervous and uneasy.


"Cooper?" I asked again while I backed away from him, trying but failing to keep my composure and defensiveness. "Please. What is it? What's going on? Why are you here and looking at me like that?"

Fernos... I thought silently, even though I had no idea if he could hear me. Come here, please. Something is wrong with Cooper, and I am getting a little scared because it looks like he wants to kill me.

Cooper stayed silent and took another step toward me. His eyes looked weird, and I couldn't help but bite my lip to keep myself from screaming out in fear for some reason.

"Cooper," I said, my voice barely above a whisper while I backed further up my bed. My whole body was tense, and I was super aware of my surroundings while I looked at him and at the door, trying to come up with a plan to get out of here and away from him.

Still, he didn't say a word and narrowed his eyes. He bared his teeth and started to growl, and I bit back a small gasp of shock while his eyes turned this reddish goldish color, almost looking demonic and demented.

"Cooper!" I exclaimed again, tears starting to prick the corner of my eyes while I made it to the edge of the bed with nowhere else to go. "Please! What is wrong with you? What's happening? You're scaring me."

"You should leave, you Freak," he growled while he bared his teeth harder, and they started to grow longer and sharper as if he was about to shift into his wolf form, even though it was forbidden to do so. "You do not belong here."

My heart skipped a beat before it started to pound faster and harder in my chest, and I slowly started to choke on some spit. "W-W-What do you mean?" I asked before I cleared my throat and shifted in my seat. "I thought you said that I could st-"

"Shut up," he snarled, interrupting me. He growled and narrowed his eyes further while he took another threatening step toward me. "You do not speak unless I tell you to speak. Is that understood?"

I gulped and started to shake while I nodded in confirmation, my heart skipping a beat before it started to pound faster in my chest, jumping into my throat and staying lodged there.

"Answer me," Cooper growled and bared his teeth tighter while he narrowed his eyes until they were just slits and glowing red. He took another threatening step towards me, and I flinched and set my jaw to try and keep it from shaking, but it didn't work. "Is that understood?"

"Y-Y-Yes, Cooper," I said, my voice barely above a whisper, and I nodded. I shifted a bit more before I cleared my throat and looked away from him before I looked at him again. "I understand."

The Last Hope (AU Book 1 of The Last Series)Where stories live. Discover now