Chapter 7

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I took a deep breath and looked at the letter in my hands. I could tell that it was old because the words on the envelope looked almost rubbed off. The once white envelope was yellow with age and curled at the edges.

Praying that the letter itself was still readable, I opened it up and took out the papers. Two other envelopes fell out of it, and I glanced at them before looking at the letter.

The paper was a bit yellow from age, but the words were still as dark as ever. She had good handwriting, the letters evenly spaced and the words following each other all the same length. However, what was weird about the letter was that whole words were capitalized in random places.

I took a deep breath and started to read the letter, curious. I had no idea why she would be writing to me and prayed that she would tell me why.

The only way I will know is if I read it, I thought with a scowl. I took a deep breath and started to read the letter from her.


Wow, that IS weird to write since I AM still alive, AND for the most part, well. I am writing to you because there IS a fifty-fifty chance that I will not make it. Amelia Grace didn't tell ME which path is more likely THAN the other, so I am writing this in hopes that you will one day read it if I don't make it.

If I am alive, AND you aren't born, then this letter will probably be destroyed as well as the other LETTERS that I had WRITTEN. It doesn't really matter, to be honest. This helped ME pass the time while I am waiting on death row.

Anyway, I guess I need to explain why I am writing to you when I am probably not going to live to see the next day. AND, I guess the main reason why I am writing to you now is because of what Amelia GRACE had seen when I asked her about the FUTURE.

She told me that she saw A girl with blonde hair crying in a tent. She had watched HER sobbing on the floor, curled up into a tiny ball. She SAID that she felt the girl hurting as if someone or something had made her feel worthless and useless. She told me that the girl, you, were feeling upset and wanting TO give up, but you knew that YOU couldn't because people ARE counting on you to live to FIGHT another day.

I stopped and snorted, rolling my eyes. I hated how this female seemed to know what I felt when she was dead. I still didn't understand the letters, and I prayed that someone would come and help me figure them out.

I took a deep breath and shook my head. I started to read again, wondering if she had any advice for me.

She also told me that YOUR power was WATER. I do not know where you are on making the star red, but I don't think this knowledge will hurt YOU any.

Cooper does know and probably MY group that I had asked to stay alive to help teach you. He has water powers as well, AND I am praying that he uses THEM. If not, then it will be harder for him to train you, AND you will have to wait for someone else, someone that is gifted with water and FIRE. (I know, I was having a hard time to believe that someone could control both water and fire, but there is someone out there, someone that brings "HOPE.")

I am praying that YOU are not feeling worthless because of what my group is doing to you. I am praying that they are helping you through this AND teaching you how to be a better Red Wolf, better than me even.

But, I HAVE a feeling that it is because of THEM that you are feeling LIKE this. I have A feeling THAT Cooper blames you for just being YOU.

I paused again and read that last line. My heart broke because she confirmed what I had thought. I had no idea why I couldn't just leave and find myself on my own. I didn't know if I would survive, but I didn't care. I didn't want to be in a place where I was blamed for being me.

I took a deep breath and shook my head. I reread the message again before picking up where I left off.

Don't leave, not until there is someone there that will train you and guide you through the process OF being the Red Wolf. You will know HER when SHE comes, but I do not know when that will happen.

Cooper is afraid of saying goodbye. Once YOU gain your Wolf, I will only be a memory, a story. My story as a leader and as the Red Wolf will end again in his mind, and yours will start again once you take MY place.

I know I am asking A lot from him by having him stay alive while I am gone. I know that it is tough on him to watch the world fall around me just because OF a plan that I had FAILED even when I didn't need it to.

WHAT I am trying to say is don't blame yourself for what he IS going through. Don't stop being you, being kind, and protecting others. Do not stop helping OTHER people because of SOMETHING that they are doing to you. That is not who you are, your destiny.

Keep training and keep fighting. Mind Cooper and THE others to some extent. It is very important THAT you listen to your own mind and gut. And NEVER forget to trust your instincts. They will not lead you wrong.

Trust in FERNOS, Andrei, and Vulcan. They will help you no matter what, even IF it is going against Cooper's orders. Training IS something that they can not help you fully with, not until either Cooper changes his mind or when she comes.

I know you are confused ABOUT why I keep referring to her, not calling her by name, but it is because it could change the path of this WAR. I don't even know her name, but I have a feeling that I know who SHE is.

Keep your head up and keep smiling. You will be far more powerful THAN me and know that I am PROUD of you even if you aren't born yet WHILE I am writing THIS.

May the stars align AND fate ever be in YOUR favor.

From one Red WOLF to another,


Oh, one more thing. Keep the letters that had FALLEN out of this hidden. Make sure that no one knows about them. YOU will know WHEN it is time to deliver them to the people that are written on them.

Again, from one Red Wolf TO another,


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