Chapter 5

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I stayed silent and stood in the same spot that he had left me. Tears pricked my eyes, but I didn't cry.

"Caroline," Fernos said, and I shook my head because I didn't want him to say something. He stayed silent and regarded me with a cold expression.

"Please, leave," I whispered hoarsely. I wanted to be alone; I felt terrible. I had no idea how I was supposed to react, but I knew that it would be in a way that I didn't want him to see.


"Go, please," I begged, tears starting to fall. "Just... leave me alone for a bit. Ok? I'll be ok."

Fernos hesitated but left. He kept a shadow near the door so that if I did try to escape, then he would be able to put me back into the tent, my prison.

I sat down on the floor and curled into a ball. I tried to stop crying, but I couldn't. Once I started, I couldn't stop.

All of the pain and the self-pity came forth and poured out of me. My hand was covering my mouth while I tried to stifle the sobs that shook my body. I didn't want anyone else to know that I was crying.

"When the Earth orbits around the Sun eighteen times and the stars align, hope will arrive when all hope seems lost. The one with fire in her heart and water in her veins will show the way and save the day. And, give everlasting peace to a dying heart," I heard Andrei say, even though I was alone.

Jealousy and pure hatred filled my body while I thought of the female he talked about with such hope and love.

I didn't know who she was, but I didn't care. I despised her just because she seemed to be having an easier time than me.

She seemed so special that she could make someone's heart warm from its frozen state.

I pictured her with a bitchy attitude that didn't listen to anyone. She was probably laughing and hanging around people that did stuff for her, not caring about anyone but herself.

Things came naturally for her, and she didn't have to try as hard as I had to.

I imagined her with a perfect body, tall and thin. She had blonde hair that was to her waist and beautiful blue eyes that could make anyone stop in their tracks. She wasn't loyal by default and just cared about herself staying alive and not others.

And the main thing that I was sure didn't have to deal with was the insecurities that I had. She didn't need help finding the good in her; she found it anyway. She could care less about what people thought about her and did her own thing in her own way.

She didn't feel useless. She didn't feel as if she didn't belong. She wasn't just some person that was in the way. She did everything right.

Me, I felt useless. I knew that I didn't belong anywhere. No matter how hard I tried, it felt like I was in the way. Nothing that I did was ever worth it. Everyone blamed me for things that I didn't do.

They didn't care if I was just trying to help. So, why should I help them? They didn't need me, and I was just a waste of space, no good for anything except for being in the way.

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