Chapter 14

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I took a deep breath and released it with a small whoosh while I walked over the bowl of water. "Ok," I said, my voice barely above a whisper while I knelt beside the bowl and looked at it. "Now, let's try to do this. Fernos believes in me, so I can do this."

But why does it feel like I am not confident in it at all..?

"Ok," I said and lifted my hand with my fingers spread apart over the water. "Uhh... up?" I asked and waved my hand just a bit above the water.


"Fly?" I asked and waved my hand some more.

Again, nothing.

I grimaced and shook my head with a small groan. "What the hell am I doing wrong?" I asked and placed my hand down by my side. "I mean, this shouldn't be that difficult; should it?"

I took a deep breath before I released it with another small whoosh...

"Ok, let's try this in a different way." I narrowed my eyes and pressed my lips into a thin line while I looked at the water, praying that it would move.

Float... I thought and moved my hand across the water, but it stayed still. Come on, you stupid thing. You can do this. Fly. Go into a ball.

There was a knock on the wooden post by my tent flap, but I ignored them while I stared at the water, moving my hand over it like some witch moving their hand over a cauldron.

"Caroline?" Andrei asked and pushed the flap open just a bit to look in to see if I was there, even though we both knew that I should be. "What are you doing?" There was a bit of amusement in his voice while he watched me.

"Shhhh," I said and waved him off while I looked at the water, praying that it would move. "I'm concentrating."

Andrei didn't say another word and walked over to my bed, biting back a small chuckle. He sat down and watched while I again tried to control the water and cause it to float or do something different than just sitting there.

Sweat appeared on my forehead while I stared at the bowl of water before I finally gave up with a small groan and leaned my head against the table.

Damn, it.

Andrei bit back another small chuckle, and I looked at him through narrowed eyes while I scowled. "Are you ok?" he asked while he raised an eyebrow in question.

I scowled and narrowed my eyes further. "No," I said and moved a hand across my forehead to wipe the sweat off my head. "I have no idea what I am doing wrong, but the water isn't moving."

"What are you trying to do with the water?" he asked and cocked his head while he studied me. "Are you trying to get it to disappear?"

"No," I said and shook my head before I looked at the water. "I am trying to get some of it to float or move, and it's not happening."

He bit back a small chuckle, and I rolled my eyes and scowled. "By just staring at it?" he asked and raised an eyebrow in question.

"Well? What else am I supposed to do?"

Andrei shrugged. "Hold your hand over it and try to control it that way?" he asked.

I rolled my eyes and huffed while I set my jaw. "Gee, why didn't I think about that?" I asked sarcastically. "I have tried to do that multiple times, Andrei."

He chuckled before he nodded and stood, walking over to me. "Then why don't we do it in a different way?" he asked and raised an eyebrow in question. He held out his hand, and I looked at it before I looked at him, my heart skipping a beat.

The Last Hope (AU Book 1 of The Last Series)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu