Chapter 2

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The Rebels took care of all the guards in a matter of seconds. They were all skilled warriors, so I wasn't surprised when the only person that was standing was Vulcan and the prisoners.

I could tell that Vulcan was scowling when one of the Rebels took off his mask to show Cooper. "You could have waited until I got out of the way," he said. He wiped some blood off of his face, and his scowl deepened.

Cooper ignored what Vulcan had said and looked this way and that. "Where is she?" Cooper asked. There was a scowl on his face, and his brown eyes were a very dark color, and I could tell that he was pissed.

I looked up at Fernos, my eyes filled with fear. I was scared of Cooper. I had no idea why he hated me, but he did. I had no idea why he was so mean to me, but he was. I didn't know what I did, and I wondered if it was because I replaced his mate.

Fernos was silent. His eyes flickered across my face before he looked forward. He didn't say a word, but he knew why I was afraid of him. However, he couldn't do anything to stop him; no one could.

"She is with Fernos," Vulcan said. "They're behind the wall. Take it easy on her, Co-"

"No," Cooper said, interrupting him. He narrowed his eyes at Vulcan, daring him to say something else, but Vulcan didn't. He looked towards the wall where we were hiding and scowled while folding his arms across his chest. "Come out, Fernos," he said. "Bring her out, too."

Fernos hesitated but did what Cooper had said. He gently pushed me from behind the wall and took his hand off of me. He stayed back and hidden, and I knew that it was because Cooper blamed him for the death of his mate.

Cooper scowled and narrowed his eyes at me. Disgust filled them, and I knew he hated babysitting me, trying to keep me away from trouble and not teaching me how to fight. "What did I tell you not to do?" he asked, growling.

I looked down because I was not able to hold his gaze. I kicked at the ground, my boot scuffing up dust. "Leave the area," I said softly. "But I-"

"No," Cooper said, interrupting me. "You should've stayed at the camp." He folded his arms across his chest, narrowed his eyes at me, and bared his teeth. Anger filled his body, and my heart started to pound because I was scared; I was scared of him. "You could have gotten killed."

"But I-"

"No, Caroline," Cooper said, interrupting me. He put his fingers on the bridge of his nose and huffed. "Take her back to camp," he said to Fernos. He scowled and looked back at me. "I'll deal with you later."

I nodded my head, staying silent. I knew that I couldn't argue with him nor change his mind. I had known him for a long time and knew that it was useless for me even to try.

One of the other Rebels took off their helmets to show a female. Her hazel eyes were trained on the Alpha that she had known for years. She glanced at me before looking at him. "Coop-"

"No, Giselle," Cooper said. "I do not want to hear it." He didn't look at her and kept his gaze on me. "Take her back to camp, Fernos. Make sure she doesn't leave."

"Yes, Alpha," Fernos said. He placed his hand on my shoulder and gently guided me towards the shadows. He was going to transport us through them because that was the quickest way to get us there as Cooper had wanted.

I bit my lip and closed my eyes while Fernos went through them. I hated going through the shadows because it felt as if I had left my stomach somewhere else.

Fernos took his hand off of my shoulder when we had made it back to camp. "Caroline," he said, and I opened my eyes and stared up at him. His dark brown, almost black eyes stared into my brown ones. He sighed and moved a hand through his black hair.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Be patient," he said. "They will come around."

"But, when?" I asked. I moved a hand through my blonde hair and grimaced while I shook my head. "I was given to them when I was three. They don't do anything with me, for me."

Fernos nodded his head. "I know," he said. He sighed and shifted on his feet. He hated being here, out in the open, but he would do it for me.

He, Vulcan, and Vulcan's son, Andrei, were the only ones that tried to show that they cared for me and stood up for me against Cooper.

Giselle tried sometimes, but she wasn't able to do much. She was still a pack member of his, even though packs were a thing of the past.

"Just have hope. They do need you," Fernos said, looking down at me. "You are the one that can end this curse and let us live happily."

I closed my eyes and shook my head. I had only filled two of the six triangles on my back, and I had no idea how to get the others. I was so confused and wanted to ask for help, but they wouldn't listen to me.

Fernos sighed and squeezed my shoulder. "You will get them," he said. He was the only one that knew that I had two triangles filled. "Just be patient."

I furrowed my brows. "Will they still hate me when I shift?" I asked, and he shrugged his shoulders because he didn't know. I nodded my head and pursed my lips, hoping that they wouldn't.

"Go to your tent," he said. "Stay there until Cooper comes for you. I will know if you leave and will put you back. Understood?"

I grumbled but nodded. I did not like the idea of staying in my tent, but I did not want Fernos to put me back. I have had that done before, and it was very weird. "Understood."

Fernos nodded his head. "Good, now go."

I nodded my head and walked towards my tent. My heart was heavy for some reason, and I couldn't help but wonder if something terrible would happen.

If it did, then how were we going to survive?

The Last Hope (AU Book 1 of The Last Series)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz