Helicopter boy

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The group came back after they were scavenging for more food, clothes, guns, and ammo.
When they came back Glenn was driving a red sports car that was blaring the car alarm it was really loud that I'm sure that walkers from 2 miles heard it.
Everyone came over yelling at him to turn it off, he just smiled and replied "I don't know how to!"
I went in front of the car and told Glenn to pop the hood, he pulled the lever and the hood popped open I lifted up the hood and looked around for the wires and ripped them out of the car.
People stared at me with their eyes wide and mouths open "So China man, where's Andrea and did you get my dog food for Midnight?" I asked, when a white boxed truck came up behind the car. "Yes I did it's in the back of the car and Andrea is in that truck" he replied casually and annoyed because I kept calling him China man, I told him that's his name for me now he just laughed and agreed even though he ain't.
The truck stopped and the back door opened and the first person I saw was Andrea. She spotted Amy by me and ran to her "Amy" she yelled, "Andrea" Amy yelled back. They hugged totally forgetting about me "What am I chopped liver?" I asked playfully. They broke the hug, looked at each other and said "Yes" in unison and playfulness. I gasped and held my heart acting like I'm hurt and fell back and landed on the ground. They laughed then pulled me up and hugged me. "It's good to see you back in one piece Andrea" I said, breaking the hug.
I hugged everybody else except Merle, we always hugged when he came back everybody here is my best friend.
I walked over to Glenn "Hey, where's Merle?" I asked sadly. "Sorry Megan" he said, while pulling me in a hug. I cried in to his chest and one thought came into my head 'Merle's dead.' I cried harder when I kept repeating that in my head.
Glenn looked down at me sadly and continue hugging me, while rubbing circles on my back and petting my head. He did that for a few minutes until I calmed down and broke the hug.
"How did you guys get out?" I asked, because we heard there were walkers everywhere.
"New guy, he got us out" he replied, then he looked at Shane who's standing by the red car. "Guys a cop like you he said his name was Rick."
"Hey, helicopter boy come say hello" said T-dog.
Rick got out of the van Carl, Shane, and Lori looked at him with wide eyes and their mouths open.
Carl ran out of his mother's hug and screamed running to the officer "DAD!!DAD!!!" He kept repeating. Then he ran into Rick's arms and they both fell down crying their eyes out, happy to see each other again.
I only stared at him "Oh my god" I said, "What?" Glenn asked. "I saw Shane and Lori doing 'it' in the woods" I whispered into his ear. He looked at me with wide eyes, I only nodded.
I knew she was having an affair because she was always getting mushrooms and then she comes back with sex hair and her shirt inside out along with Shane with a low amount of mushrooms.
'I wander what Rick will feel like when he knows about them' I thought, when I started to prepare the fire.
The day turned into night and we started to have some fish that Andrea and Amy caught. I couldn't go because I was sharpening my knifes and making extra arrows for Daryl and Merle for their hunts.
We were listening to Rick's story of how he got out along with my dad's watch story.

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