Chapter 5 : Escapism

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Will woke up before his phone rang . He quickly grabbed it before it could wake up Y/n and Hannibal who were sleeping .

Y/N had walked into their room with her penguin named Pengy , crying after waking up from a nightmare in the middle of the night . So they let her sleep in between them because they felt happy that Y/N could trust them .

" What is it Jack ? " ; Wil asked sleepily .

" There were a lot of bodies found in the basement of the Y/L/N house . And we tested the DNA from every body and one common DNA was found on every body . It was of Y/N's . She killed all of those people Will " ; Jack said .

Will refused to believe it .

" I will be there " ; he said hurriedly as he hung up and got dressed . He left a note for Hannibal telling him where he was going and to teach Y/N a few more words and sentences .


" The DNA is a match . Same set of blood found on each victim . All belong to Y/N " ; Brian read out from his file .

" Retest it " ; Will said .

" Already did . Thrice " ; Brain said .

" That can't be possible . I have seen her . She isn't capable of murder . Her fingerprints were found on the weapon too . A knife and a gun " ; Beverly said .

" Will , we need to bring her in for questioning " ; Jack said .

Will just nodded . He chose not to mention the fact that Y/N doesn't understand english that well . He wanted to see her reaction .


" Oranges " ; Hannibal said as he pointed to the cut up fruit on the plate . He picked up one and ate it . Y/N did the same .

" Good ? " ; he asked .

" Yes " ; Y/N replied .

She could talk in a whisper and that was fine because it didn't put a lot of pressure on her neck .

Hannibal was trying to get her accustomed to the different flavors of food all the while teaching her the name of different fruits .

The front door opened and Will walked in .

" Hi Will " ; Y/N smiled . Will did not return the smile back or the greeting .

" Let's go see your mom Y/N " ; Will said .

Y/N happily jumped off the chair and walked with Will to his car . Hannibal followed . He had a really bad feeling about this .

Will drove to the FBI and put Y/N in an interrogation room .

He walked in alone with the pictures of the dead bodies and placed them in front of her . Y/N's eyes widened in horror . They were the men who had hit her when she said no .

She started shaking slightly .

" Did you murder them Y/N ? " ; Will asked .

" No no no no no " ; Y/N mumbled scared .

" Do not lie to me ! Are you pretending to be illiterate ? Are you ? " ; he screamed at her .

" I know you can understand me " ; he said . Will felt like a hypocrite but he had to know if he was letting a murderer stay in his home .

Y/N got scared at his tone . She could understand words like lie and murder but that tone was the same one that her father used with her and then told her not to tell anyone about what he did .

" Please " ; she started crying .

Will slammed his hands on the table and shoved the photos in front of her , forcing her to look .

" No ! " ; she screamed .

Hannibal finally had enough . He stormed into the interrogation room and brought Y/N into his arms .

" I profiled her . She is not a murderer William ! Did you give it a thought that she could have been framed . Jack said that there was blood from Y/N on everyone's body and fingerprints on the murder weapon . There are also many cuts on Y/N . Her parents could have cut her and then rubbed her blood over the victims . They could have made her hold the murder weapons , her not knowing what it was and then placed it accordingly . Have you investigative skills suddenly suffered ? Have you lost you empathy process ? " ; Hannibal said calmly . He was trying not to shout because Y/N was already sobbing in his arms .

Hannibal knew that these mem had done something to her . He just wasn't sure what though .

Will processed Hannibal's words and the scenario did seem possible .

" We are going home " ; Hannibal said as he gently pulled Y/N out of the chair and walked out of the room .

Will sighed . He knew that he had messed up .


In the motel , there sat a curly red haired lady on her bed . She had finally finished her article and then she clicked on publish .


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