Chapter 14 : Don't blame me

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The next day there were hashtags named #Y/NY/L/Nisamurderer , #Y/Nneedstodie , #bring peoplekilledbyY/Ntojustice #killY/N , #Y/Ndeservesdeathsentence . Will was horrified to see these trending on Twitter and Instagram and every other social media sight . 

School was going to have to wait . They will have to continue home-schooling her until these died down or possibly forever . Not that either of them had a problem with it but Hannibal wanted to let Y/N socialize with people her own age and explore the world instead of staying confined in a house with two old men who were hiding a big secret . 

" I'll talk to Jack about this and arrest Freddie . I mean , I don't get it . The hell is her problem ? " ; Will said trying not to yell as Y/N was asleep upstairs . 

" I will deal with her " ; Hannibal said just as angry . 

They were beyond furious at that lady . She was trying to destroy Y/N's life without even knowing the whole story . 

Suddenly , they heard a crash and  Y/N scream from upstairs . Both of them rushed upstairs . 

They saw her huddled in the corner of the room , her phone shattered and thrown across the room . 

" Y/n/n what's wrong ? What's wrong darling ? " ; Will asked worriedly . 

Y/N crawled into his lap and sobbed . 

" I am scared " ; she said again and again . 

" Darling , you need to tell us what happened ? " 

" Someone called . Said they will kill me ! " ; she cried . 

" Shh Shhhhh its okay darling . Nobody will hurt you ever again . We won't let that happen " ; Will shushed her . 

Y/N was crying profusely . They both could understand why . She had been attacked twice , and now these threatening phone calls . How did they even get her number ! ? 

" I saw what they saying on birdie app " ; she sniffled after some time . 

" Birdie app ? " ; Hannibal asked . 

" Twitter " ; Will answered . 

" Maybe I deserve to die . Mom said it too . I am a murderer " ; she continued . 

" No , no you don't . Don't even think like that " ; Will scolded her . 

" Your mom lied about a lot of things Y/N . These people on the birdie app are too . You are not a murderer . They don't know the whole story or you . Don't let them get to you " ; Hannibal said firmly . 

Y/N nodded . 

Will wiped off her tears . 

" You want breakfast ? " ; he asked . 

Y/N shook her head . The couple glanced at each other and decided not to push her .

" Okay then . Let's colour Y/n/n " ; Hannibal suggested . 

Y/N nodded rapidly as she stood up and ran to get her bag from the living room . 

" I will stay home . Cancel my appointments . You see to this " ; Hannibal said . 

" I will " ; Will said . 

" Its time for therapy for Y/n/n " ; Hannibal said picking up Y/N's shattered phone . 

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