Chapter 16 : That's my girl

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When Will came home he told Hannibal what had happened and Hannibal told Will what he had found out . 

" We had to let Freddie go , the site is hers sure and she writes there but that evidence wouldn't stick with a judge because apparently journalists can bash someone online and if the public decides to act on it that is not the article writer's fault " ; Will scoffed as he hung his coat on the rack . 

" I have a plan , don't worry " ; Hannibal said to Will . 

" And Y/N did kill those people but not willingly . Her mother said that that is how she would be able to prove to her that Y/N is grateful for everything her mother gave her in life " ; Hannibal said . 

" We see twisted people everyday but Sandra YLN crosses every line . She cannot be considered human " ; Will said as he sank into the couch . " Where is Y/n/n ? " 

" Watching a show called Supernatural on her laptop " ; Hannibal replied as he sat beside Will . 

" Are you sure that's okay for her ?  I mean , the whole thing has action and murder and bloody scenes ? " 

" She'll be fine . She passed the first test ." 

" She did ? " 

" Yes .  Winston and Zeke almost ratted me out but they did not howl or growl and she loved he taste . Thought it was Pepperoni " 

" That's my girl ! " ; Will chuckled proudly . 

" Go talk with her , I will start on dinner " ; Hannibal said after kissing Will on the lips . 

Will walked upstairs to Y/N's bedroom . She was engrossed . 

" Like it ? " ; he asked as he sat beside her . 

" Yup . He is so good looking " ; she said still focused on the laptop screen . 

" Who ? " ; Will asked . 

" Sam " ; she replied smiling brightly . 

Will knew what this was . First crush . Thank goodness it was on a fictional character . 

" What did you do today ? " ; Will asked . 

" Hugged dogs , talked with Han and I have been watching since . Han says it good for my language " 

" You mean cuddled the dogs ? " 

" All the same Will " 

" Alright darling . As you say " ; he said ruffling her hair . 

" Can I get merch ? " ; Y/N asked . " It okay if not " ; she added quickly . 

" What merch Y/n/n ? " 

" Supernatural ? "

" Sure darling , we can go to the mall tomorrow to go buy some " 

" Mall ? " 

" The place we went to buy your clothes " 

" oh " 

Will could feel that Y/N was scared and self-conscious . The last mall visit was a  disaster . People stared at her disgusted due to her sickly appearance . 

" Its okay Y/n/n . Nobody will hurt you or look at you the way they did last time . I promise . You're beautiful the way you are " 

" Mom said I am ugly " 

" Your mom is a liar . She lied . She was evil . She is no more , okay ? Her words don't mean a thing " 

Y/N nodded . 

" Why don't you explain to me what is going on in this episode ? ' ; Will swiftly changed the subject . 

Y/N excitedly started rambling about the episode in broken English . Will patiently listened to her till it was time for dinner . 

It was the calm before the storm and everyone knew it . 

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