Chapter 11 : Tears !

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When Y/N woke up the next day , she was scared out of her mind . She had failed to complete her job . She had disappointed her mother and she did not want to face the consequences . 

She ran out of the bedroom and towards her room . She saw her plushie on the bed . Atleast , she could have some of the powder . Maybe then her mother will be less angry . 

She hastily opened the back of her plushie but did not find the pen or the small bags of cocaine . She started to panic . Did they take it ? Were they going to hurt her ? 

The door to her room opened . Will did not smile at her . She started to cry . 

" Don't hurt me " ; she cried as she scrambled to get to the corner of her room.

" We are not going to hurt you . You need to stop taking the drugs . Its not good " ; Hannibal said as he approached her slowly .

" No no ! Mama will die ! I need to take drugs ! She said I need to " ; Y/N cried .

" Your mother is dead and you were about to kill yourself last night . She asked you to do that , didn't she ? " ; Hannibal asked .

" I be a good girl . I listen to mama . I listen when she says something!  "

" Drugs are bad for you . Your mother was killing you . You cannot have them anymore " ; Will said.

" No ! " ; Y/N screamed.

She felt strange . She needed to sniff the powder . It made her feel better . She was sweating and scared out of her mind . Hannibal and Will knew that she was now going through withdrawal .

" Come on , let me run you a bath . You will feel better " ; Hannibal offered .

" She hurt me . She hurt me . She kill me , Please ! " ; Y/N pleaded .

Why wouldn't they just give her what she wants ?!

" Darling , your mother is dead . She won't hurt you anymore " ; Hannibal shushed her .

" I need it " ; she finally confessed . " I need it , please . It helps me . Bad memories go away " 

Their hearts broke when they heard the confession . Besides from manipulating her into taking drugs , Y/N happily took for two reasons , one , to please her mother , two , to repress the bad memories . 

" Please ? " ; she asked with puppy eyes . 

" I am sorry but no " ; Will said . 

She started crying . The pain and uncomfortableness from not having the drugs and the fear that she had disobeyed her mother . 

" Does it hurt ? " ; Hannibal asked when he touched her arms and legs . She rapidly nodded . There was severe cramping in her body and she usually felt better after taking the drugs but now that they were gone , she didn't know how she was going to cope . 

" Let's go , a warm bath will help you " ; Hannibal said . 

He ran her a warm bath and that helped a lot with the cramps but as soon as she was out of the bath , the cramps started up again . Y/N was crying , dry heaving , feeling disoriented and Will and Hannibal could do nothing to help except hold her hand and wipe off the sweat off her forehead with a cool rag . 

" Stop stop stop stop " ; she cried as she rolled herself into a ball . Will rubbed her back , ' Its okay darling . Your gonna be alright . Its fine . You can fight though this " 

She was shaking violently and sweating like crazy . Within four hours , she had managed to have a seizure as well . They couldn't get her to keep down fluids so Hannibal had finally hooked her up to an IV because of her severe dehydration . 

They both sat in chairs beside her bed when she finally slept . 

" She is going to be okay " ; Hannibal said to Will . 

Will just nodded . He had a bad feeling . A feeling that something terrible was going to happen and this was only the start of it . 

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