Overprotective Men

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Chapter Eleven
Overprotective Men

Robyn was back from Australia for a few days to take care of busy so today she was out with Manoucheca in Beverly Hills.

"I'm only back for a few days before I head back to Australia," Robyn told Manoucheca as they stepped out to buy some new baby supplies.

Manoucheca was now thirteen weeks pregnant and her stomach was starting to poke out but she hid it by wearing baggy clothes.

They stepped into the warm Kitson Kids store to find some baby supplies, Robyn was shopping more for her son, the baby on the way, and Manoucheca's babies. She was big on spoiling Manoucheca so her babies would be spoiled too.

While inside the store, Robyn was so amused as she found a pair of tiny weights that were only big enough for a small child. She grinned while turning to Manoucheca to show off the novelty item.

Robyn purchased a toy piano and the baby weights to keep her little one in tip-top shape. She brought Manoucheca some newborn footies, teddy bears, and soft sole shoes.

"Girl, I'm gonna buy you and them babies so much shit, Michael may have to build a new closet," Robyn said, smiling.

"Ro, he's going to be sick of you," Manoucheca said.

Robyn shrugged.

"Y'all babies are my babies too, I'm mommy number two, he better recognize that," Robyn told Manoucheca said.

"He knows that's why you and Winston are the Godparents," Manoucheca said.

Robyn gasped.

"Really? I'm Godmomma," Robyn said as she hugged her sister.

"Yes," Manoucheca said as she hugged her back.

"Oh, Winston is going to freak out when I tell him," Robyn said.

Robyn and Manoucheca had gotten plenty of other items at the store, as their bodyguards carried shopping bags that were stuffed to the brim.

They made multiple stops throughout the busy day.

They had errands to run that took them to CVS and Bristol Farms for some groceries.

At CVS, Manoucheca picked up a prescription while Robyn brought some essentials.

At Bristol Farms grocery store, where they wandered the aisles with their shopping carts, stopping to talk and take pictures with fans.

Afterward, Robyn took Manoucheca home where Manoucheca gave Robyn a tour of the new house.

"Ugh, I'm jealous. You make me want to redo my closet," Robyn told Manoucheca as they sit in her closet.

Manoucheca chuckled.

"I had no input on this closet. Michael did it and surprised me with it," Manoucheca said.

"Awe, maybe I should get him to tell Winston to do that for me," Robyn said.

"It could be your push present," Manoucheca said.

"Oh, that could work," Robyn said.

Michael walked in.

"Alright now, y'all pregnant ladies need to come out of this closet and eat," Michael said.

"What did you make?" Robyn asked Michael.

"Brown stew chicken with rice and peas," Michael answered.

Robyn licked her lips.

"Oh, say less, I'm getting me a plate," Robyn said.

Michael chuckled.

After eating Robyn went home.

The next day, Robyn immediately called Manouchea when her team informed her that an unidentified man was at her gate.

Manouchecand gets a frantic call from Robyn saying that a man showed up wanting to ask for her hand in marriage.

Michael and Manoucheca immediately went over to Robyn's house. Thank God they only live a few minutes away from Robyn. They made it to the house as the police officers arrived.

Robyn told them that the man, who traveled from South Carolina, walked up to the home where he was almost immediately greeted by her security.

The man claimed he was there to propose to the singer, and Robyn's team called the cops right away.

The officers put the man in handcuffs, got him in a car, and had a serious chat about his intentions.

Although it was determined the man had not broken any laws, he was asked to leave and told not to return.

Michael wouldn't let Robyn and his nephew stay in the house even if she had security, it was his job as her brother-in-law to protect her. Winston agreed that Robyn should go stay with Michael and Manoucheca.

So, Michael made her pack some things for her and her son so they could stay at their house until Winston can get in town.

"We just had to get us some overprotective men," Robyn told Manoucheca.

"And I fucking love that for us," Manoucheca said.

Robyn snorted.

"Man, Winston is going to chew everyone up once he gets here," Robyn said.

"I'm afraid for your team even though he didn't get anywhere near you but Winston has the right to make sure that you and his babies are safe at all times especially when he's out of the country," Manoucheca said.

"I know," Robyn said.

It's not unusual that stalkers or fans to try to enter celebrities' homes, but it is worrisome. Especially when they can be dangerous. Now, as a mother of soon-to-be two children, Robyn knows that safety is a bigger priority than ever before.

Michael walked into the room, clapping his hands.

"Chop chop, ladies," Michael said.

"Let's go before he drags us out of here," Manoucheca said.

Eleven hours later, Winston was at Michael and Manoucheca's house, checking up on Robyn and their son in the guest room.

"Baby," Robyn said as Winston pulled her close to his body. "You really didn't have to come," She told him.

Winston kissed his teeth.

"Robyn, I told you that I'm always going to put you and our family first," Winston said.

Robyn laid her head on his shoulder as Winston rubbed her stomach.

"I know," Robyn said.

"Are you good? Do you feel safe?" He asked her.

Robyn nods.

"Yeah, I'm grateful that Michael and Manoucheca were able to get there -- I know my team handled it but you know it's still worrisome that he could get to the house so easily," Robyn said.

Winston sighed.

"I think we should move, the house is too public," Winston said.

Robyn shook her head.

"We don't have the time to be looking for a new place, Winston," Robyn said.

"I don't feel comfortable leaving you and our kids in a house where someone attempted to break in and could have caused you guys harm," Winston said.

Robyn knew Winston had every right to feel how he feels but if they move and another accident happens will they keep moving every time?

"I just don't want to keep moving if something like this happens again, Win?" Robyn said.

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