the introduction

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The evolution of the mockingjay. I've heard that story a bunch of times, in school, at home and basically everywhere. Katniss and Peeta "our heroes!!!!!" As everyone calls them. Well what if I told you it didn't do shit, yea we are all back to where we started. It is better, sure, but not as great as we wanted. There are still districts, hungergames and oppression plus the capitol has basically all it's power again. The hungergames have changed and not for the better, we have longer to train, way more interviews, cameras following the tributes almost every second and they are way more brutal. Peeta and katniss are still alive, their about 50 yeard old now, they even work together in the capitol. They don't always agree with everything the capitol does but they can't stop it. Their kids are brainwashed by the capitol and even work as presenters for the hungergames. There are some things that changed for the better: we have more food, a more comfortable life (not nearly as good as the capitol) and were richer overall. I just realized I haven't introduced myself: hi i'm Lilith Katz a 17 year old girl form district 8, textiles. I have a passion for knive combat, i saw that in the games once and was amazed. I've been training since 12, in secret of course, my father was always afraid I would be reaped and wanted me to be prepared. I live with my father and 2 brothers, they work in our shop together. I love my brothers to the moon and back and I would do anything for them. Wait what day is it? Oh... It almost reaping day... shit.. I'll probably be fine but still.

I am really excited for this story!! I know I didn't give you mutch for a first chapter but trust the process please!! Love ya all <3 byebye

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