Tribute parade

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We are following the peacekeepers to the building we're we will stay for the next 2 weeks. I finally get a chance to look at the rest of the tributes. A few stand out to me: a tall muscular boy who's probably a career, a blond girl with a massive scare across her face, a girl with flaming red hair and tattoos and lastly a skinnier boy with sharp features. Once we entered the building we were split up. I got cleand, shaved, waxed and dressed in a bathrobe. After a few seconds Comet walks in. "Lilly! I missed you so much!" He lifts me up in a hug. "I missed you to" I giggle. "I have the perfect idea for you and Jasper! Let's get you dressed."

I looked in the mirror to see myself in a big flowy purple ballgown covered with flowers. It had of the shoulder sleeves and a jeweled silver chain harness that whent up in a choker. My hair was curled and half up half down, I also had a big tiara on my head. "Jasper has a suite and crown that matches." Comet teases. "Don't tell me you-" "yes I did see those pictures" He interrupts me. "It's almost time for the tribute parade! Good luck!!" He storms of before I can say anything.

I am waiting for Jasper to arrive. Ah there he is, omg we do match perfectly. He has a big crown on his head that looks very similar to mine. "Ready?" He asked "ready." As we emerge the crowd go wild! "Take my hand." Jasper wispers "what why?" "Turst me they'll love it." "Fine." I grab his hand and he raises them in the air. And he was right the crowd screams our names. I look at him and smile, he winks at me. Why do I feel so... NO! I shouldn't feel this way, I can't feel this way. The parade is finished. I go up to my room and dress in something comfortable, the only thing I will be doing now is rest, training doesn't officially start till tomorrow anyway.

Someone knocks at my door. "Hello, Lilith  you there?" "Yes I am Jasper come in." "Hi, ehmm... I wanted to say that you looked gorgeous during the parade. Not that you don't look gorgeous now or before! Sorry I'm not really good with words." "Doesn't matter. Thank you, you looked good to. How are you feeling about tomorrow?" "Nervous." "Same." Jasper was looking at the ground. "I- I'm gonna go. I think... bye" He stammers. "Bye." Is he messing with me or... no it can't be. He's just nervous for the games.

Chapter 5 already, I'm so excited to continue this!
I hope you love it as much as I do. Byebye

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