the tributeball

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"Lilly! Come on were late!" Comet says excitedly. I get up and follow him like he gestures me to do. We are walking through a big hall with a lot of art hanging on the walls and a floor made out of glass with an aquarium underneath. It look majestic, all those fish and plants. There was a sort of ravine that went so deep you couldn't see the bottom of it. We arrived at a huge door, white with golden details and floral paintings. The door opened to reveal a magnificent room that looked like it came straight from Cinderella. There were a lot of people dressed in all colours and patterns. It's funny how you can easily pick out the tributes from the capitol people. The capitol people were wearing all there wierd wings and hea pieces and the tributes looked more neutral. Now I notice that everyone is staring at me.

I walk in and look for someone familiar as everyone just continues what they were doing. "Hello princess." I am scared to death by Ajax who's standing behind me. "Care for a dance, princess?" He asks. "Oh no thanks. I am searching for Jasper. Have you seen him?" I need to decline his offer for the sake of myself. All of a sudden I see the familiar blond haired boy run up to me. He lifts me in the air and says, "Darling you look absolutely stunning!" He puts me down again. "Wanna dance love?" "Of course." I look to my left to see Ajax looking jealous af. Jasper and I sway through the ball room. It feels so magical! It's like we are the only people in this place. One of his hands is on my waist and the other is holding my hand. The music becomes slower and when jt stops Jasper grams my face and pulls me in for a kiss. What I didn't notice is that halfway through the song people stopt dancing to watch us. The rest of the party we talked to some of the sponsors, we ate and drank and we danced some more. "It is getting late, should we sneak of?"Jasper asked. "Of course, let's leave." I answer

I walk to my room to grab some more comfortable clothes. This dress and heals are beautiful but they are killing me. I try to get the dress to loosen up but i fail miserably. "Lilith, are you oke?" It is Jasper. "I can't get this dress of can you help me?" "Ehmmmm..... sure." He answeres nervously. Jasper walks in. He goes to untie the built-in corset. I feel his soft hands against my skin. "Here I think you can take it of now." He says as he turns around to give me some privacy. I put on a sweater, leggings and a pair of sneakers.

We are walking to the roof to stargaze. As we get there I lay down a basket I brought and sit down. "The starts are zo beautiful." I say in admiration. "Yea they are." "Jasper what's wrong?" "Nothing." the stars are shining brighter that before. "I-" He tried to say something. I don't blame him it is not easy "i'm scared. Scared that they will change me." "They won't change you, you're to strong to let them." I answer so quickly that I don't know what I said anymore. "I know it's just, we have one more interview before the games. It's scaring me." He puts his head on my shoulder. I take a deep breath in and close my eyes. We lay down and just admire the sky for a few minutes. Or at least that was the plan. I feel myself drift of as I wrap my arms around Jasper, who does the same. And then I fall into a deep sleep.

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