the reaping

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Here we are standing in 2 groups, male and female. I look over to see my brothers and father. They are nervous, we all are. Angel is standing on the podium, she is wearing one of my designs: a yellow dress with sheer sleeves. She picks out the names of the tributes, she has done that for 20 years. My hands are clutching my skirt. Just a view moments and everything will go back to normal. "Dear ladies and gentlemen of district 8, it is time we reap the tributes of the 99th hungergames! Ladies first!" Angel announces in her annoyingly high voice and accent.

I hold my breath as she walked over to the bowl of names. "Lilith Katz!" What... no.. no this can't be real! i'm just imagining stuff. "Lilith Katz! Please come up on the stage!" I start walking, still in utter shock. "There you are, what a pretty girl, almost to pretty for the hungergames." I don't process anything that's said. I look in the crowd of men and see my father crying, my brothers are comforting him. "Now for the male tribute." Angel continues "Jasper Woods!" A boy steps forward, it's the weaving boy or fabric as i and Comet call him. He's now up on the stage with me. We shake hands, he's shaking a bit, I understand he's scared.

I'm waiting for my father and brothers to arrive to say goodbye. I didn't expect it but Comet walks in and pulled me in for a hug "Lilly!! Omg i'm so sorry! I don't have a lot of time, but we'll see each other again. You better win this oke!" "I will" right after I said that Comet is dragged back by the peacekeepers. Next is my dad and Robin, they are crying. "Lilith please be safe and try you best, dad can't lose you!" Robin continues "me and Leon can't either." The peacekeepers start dragging them back "I love you flower please be careful!" My das yells. "Hey little one." "hi Leon." "I wish I could volunteer for you, I know you can do this, I love you little one. Your big brother is proud of you already don't forget that." "I won't. Tell dad and Robin I love you all." "I will, bye little one." "Bye." The second he left that room I busted out in tears. "Hello dear, i'm Jaspers mother. I wanted to give you this." She holds up a necklace. "It's a mockingjay, like katnisses, please wear it. I think you have a chance to win this." "Thank you." That's the only thing I can get out. "Goodluck dear." Why would Jaspers mom give this to me, why did she even come to say good bye in the first place.

Then we follow the peace keepers, they escorted us to the train. "Just a warning this is going to be a long ride, from here to 12 and back to the capitol." I didn't notice someone else was in our coupe "I am Nolan Leblon, your mentor. You must be Lilith and Jasper." Nolan leblon... ah yes, the guy who won the games with his bare hands. "That's right sir." Jasper answers before I could. "You guys should clean up, eat something and get some rest, we'll talk tomorrow on our way to the capitol." Nolan suggests "will do sir" Jasper answers again. Why can't I just say something! I nod and walk of to the showers.

Me and Jasper are sitting at a big table with a lot of food. "So Lilith ehm... what's your favorite colour?" "What are you doing?" "Just want to get to know you better." He smiles. "Yellow, like sunflowers." "What?" " that's my favorite colour. Now you're turn I know you can do it, open up a little Lilith." "Blue." Like you eyes, wait what am I thinking!! "Good job!!! Now what is your favorite animal." "A deer, they're incredibly fast." I answer, it's nice talking to him. "Cool! Mine is a swan, they're elegant and beautiful" "What have I told you get some rest!" Nolan exclaims. "I'll see you tomorrow." Jasper stands up and leaves, he looks back one more time before heading to his room. I look through the small wardrobe in my room and grab a night gown, it is elegant and has a light blue colour. As i lay down I notice how soft the bed is, this is going to be the best night of sleep I've ever had.

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