the incident

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What the fuck was that! I jolt out of my sleep. It came from Jaspers room! I find my self running to his room without thinking. I burst through the door, "Jasper! What happend!" I am panicking and I don't even know why. There he is, lying on the floor. Now I know why I'm panicking. "NOLAN, ANGEL HELP!" I crouch down next to Jasper. "Oh my..." his wrists are... why would he do this? "Jasper please stay with me! Can you hear me please respond! NOLAN!." I am holding him closely in my arms and can't do anything but cry and scream.

Nolan runs in the room together with angel. "Omg!" She stammers. Nolan lifted Jasper out of my arms and ran of as fast as he could. "Darling are you alright?" Angel sat down next to me. I couldn't say anything. "Come here darling," She hugged me "Nolan will take care of him. How about you get some more sleep?" I stand up and walk back to my room.

I can't sleep anymore. What if I was to late? What if I hadn't shown up at all? What if Nolan didn't hear me? How is he doing now? Is he alive? Why do I care so much about this boy? All these questions are keeping me up. It already 7am I know we need to get up at 8 but I don't have anything else to do. Should I go to Jasper. I walk to the lounge.

Nolan is in the lounge. "Were is Jasper?" I ask as calmly as I can. "Follow me." We walk through multiple coupes and end up in a sort of mini hospital. "Jasper!" I cry out as soon as I see him. "Hey." He sound so sad I can't. "You scared me to death! Why? I thought I lost you!" I just scream. "Woh calm down Lilith." Nolan grabs my shoulder. "It's alright. I'm sorry Lilith. I did it because of a panic attack, I wasn't thinking straight. I had a dream about my mother and... yea" oh I feel so bad for him. "You should get ready for the interview. I'll take care of him." Nolan states. "Bye Jasper."  I walk of to find Comet.

"Hi." Comet says in a sweet voice. "Let's just get straight to it alright." I say in a not to sweet voice. "Alright miss!" He does a soldier pose. We are going for a red dress to compliment my hair and eyes and some bold makeup I don't really like. My hair is curled and half up half down. "Lilith you're stunning, but Nolan wants to talk to you before the interviews so... you should go." Comet looks kind of disappointed. "Bye." It's the only thing I can get out. "Goodbye Lilly."

"Lie." "Hello to you to Nolan." I reply. "Lie about as much as you can, make everything 10 times more sad or amazing." He just continues and I'm not completely following. "Make your story stand out. Make the crowd love you. That's the only way you'll survive." "Oke... but how do I do that?" I am really not understanding anything. "Are you dumb! I just told you! You are never gonna make it out alive." The last part hurts me, he didn't even try to keep that to himself. "Well sorry sir! I just got scared to death, I still don't know why Jasper would do such thing, I don't know if he's alright, do you want me to go on!" I am so angry at that man. "It's time for your interview." Angel stepped in thank God, I was so close to hitting that idiot.

An: poor Jasper  :(  buuuuuut ey I started writing again!!! after a break I really needed

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