〈PROLOGUE〉In a dream of Curiosity...

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Once upon a time, There was once a sweet, yet curious Princess who LOVED exploring around anywhere she wants to go, and she is apparently named Yuma Kussou.

Yuma Kuusou, also known as The Lost, Curious Princess has always wondered what kind of places have in store for the young, curious female royal letter, and will forever have a thought of that. Not to mention that this also happened in her kind every single day whenever she feels bored of staying in her room in the castle of the ABC Kingdom.

And so on, Yuma always dreams about the best or unexpected things that would hope to come into her mind for each reason that she could ever think of..

..and one of her dimmed wandering adventures for today starts off...

..with a TWIST.


One time, Yuma woke up in a dark blue area where there was absolutely nothing for her to touch nor hear at all. She looked around to see if she could find anyone or anything, but then she realized that no one is around her.

Yuma didn't know what to do, so she started to walk around for a while, only for her to see glowing stars that are flying around the blue area.

"Is.. is anybody there? 誰でも?!" Yuma called out with one single try, still not hearing anyone in a few seconds.

There was a spotlight that was slowly starting to fade in around Yuma and her own space, and she started to wonder why this happened right now, but didn't make a big deal about it and moved on to what she had to do.

When she saw a glowing blue to white trail fly around the dark blue area, she FROZE for just a moment to take a look at it. When the glowing trail floated around, she looked up, curious of what she thinks plans to await for her more.

 When the glowing trail floated around, she looked up, curious of what she thinks plans to await for her more

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"Huh..?" Yuma whispered to herself at a loss of words, yet poor her didn't know how to react of the current situation she's in just yet.

When the blue glowing trail started to float away from her, she started to follow it too, along with the white spotlight still stuck in her own spot too.

Also, Yuma didn't mind that as well, since she wanted to find out something about the certain glow that's been flying right in front of her.

Yuma has been walking while following the blue trail for at least 30 seconds, and yet she wanted to find out about the trail. She couldn't wait any longer, so she had no other choice but to clear her throat out.

"何処は私?" Yuma confidently said in Japanese, which was "Where am I?".

She noticed that the glowing blue aura slowly started to turn into.. a certain floating Diamond gem.

The spotlight has stopped following Yuma in her exact spot, which she has noticed it just now, so she slowly stepped for the transformed floating Diamond only to find out what kind of value it holds against her own curiosity, due to her being loss and interested of finding things in her adventures of exploring and discovering new things in her life.

The Lost, Curious Princess (An Alphabet lore AU)Where stories live. Discover now