Chapter one

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Alora never imagined that she would be a college dropout and working at a bar at the bright age of 22. She always dreamed of working at a hospital and dating a smoking-hot doctor. However, her college debts kept rising, and soon she couldn't seem to pay for the following year. She decided she had had enough of the constant debt and college life, so she dropped out. She worked for a fantastic person, her old boss, at the other restaurant.

Mixing drinks all day gives you such lousy arm pain, but she enjoyed all of the crazy and Kooky customers that would come in around closing time looking for an alcoholic escape from home problems, not going to lie. They were primarily women who decided to seek shelter. It was almost closing now; she started to wipe down her station and get all her things together to go home. Then the door rang.

"Hi, just to let you know we are closing", Alora said while wiping the table. She looked up to see a blond man, maybe in his mid-twenties.

"Oh, I apologise; maybe my friend and I could get a swift drink before we head on the road again; we are going to Louisiana." The blond says. Alona let out a small sigh and clocked back in.

"Yeah, I guess that is okay. Could you come on in and sit down? Do you want to sit at the bar top or the tabletops?" Alora said, looking at the Blond.

"The table tops, if you don't mind", He said coyly. She looks at him with a small smile and a short nod. She leads him to a table and sets down the menus.

"I'll be right back to grab all drink orders", Alora said with a small smile and went to the other side of the restaurant to put the chairs on the tables to shut down one side of the dining rooms.

 Alora heard the door open, and a handsome brunet entered. He had blue tips on his hair and a smile that could legit kill.

Alora couldn't help but feel a slight flutter in her chest as she looked at the handsome brunet. He made his way over to the table where the blond was sitting and sat beside him. Alora could feel her face turning red as she walked over to take their drink orders.

"What can I get for you guys?" Alora asked, trying to act like she wasn't affected by the presence of the two attractive men.

"I'll have a beer," the blond said, while the brunet ordered a whiskey on the rocks.

As Alora walked back to the bar to grab their drinks, she couldn't help but wonder what these two men were doing here so late. 

As she placed their drinks in front of them, the brunet looked up at her with a mischievous grin."You know, you're a beautiful woman. What's your name?" he asked smoothly.

Alora couldn't help but feel a little flattered by the compliment."My name is Alora," she said, trying to keep her voice steady."Well, Alora, my name is Colby, and my friend here is named Sam," he said, motioning towards the blond.

Alora smiled politely and returned to cleaning up the rest of the restaurant. But as she was wiping down the tables, she couldn't help but feel Colby's eyes on her. It was like he was undressing her with his gaze, and Alora couldn't help but feel a little turned on by the attention. As the night went on, Colby and Sam stayed at the bar longer than Alora had expected. They talked and laughed, and Alora was drawn to Colby's charisma and charm. He was like no other man she had ever met, and Alora couldn't help but feel a little attracted to him.

"Hey, we are headed to Louisiana to go ghost hunting. I know that sounds super stupid, but it's what we do for our youtube channel." Colby said, smiling.

Alora smiled. "What are you trying to say?"Colby looked up and down and licked his lips. "Would you like to come with us?" "I mean, I know we just met, but I think we could have a lot of fun, and I know we would love to be friends with you," Sam says.

"Sure, I would love to come with you guys, I feel a small pull to come with you guys, and I don't want to be stuck here and working and not having any fun," Alora said.

"Wooo! Let's go! I'm so excited!" Colby said, jumping up and down.

"But I need to go get some things from my apartment. When do we leave?" Alora said as she scrambled to get everything together.

"We leave in like four hours. But we can come with you to get everything you need!" Sam said playfully.

"You guys can also stay over if you need. I have an extra room!" Alora said. "We can also use that to get to know each other more!"

"We were just planning on staying in our car, but if you don't mind, that would be great!" Colby said as Sam checked his phone. Alora felt excitement run through her as she thought about the adventure awaited her. She had never been ghost hunting before, and the thought sent shivers down her spine. She couldn't believe she had met two handsome and exciting men who had invited her to go on this crazy adventure with them.

As they drove to her apartment, Alora couldn't help but feel a little nervous. She didn't know these men very well and was inviting them to stay in her home. But as she got to know them better, she realised they were kind and respectful, and she had nothing to worry about.

When they arrived at her apartment, Alora's apartment was a cosy and comfortable place. It felt like home to her. The apartment was two bedrooms; the living room, kitchen, and guest room annexed her with space. The living room had a brown sofa and a small coffee table in the middle. A large wooden wardrobe was along one side, and a kitchen counter was on the other. Some cupboards were over the kitchen counter, and cabinets for the kitchen to store pots, pans, and utensils. The walls were painted soft grey, giving it a warm and cosy feel.

In the area, there are a lot of apartment buildings with the same brick walls. These apartment buildings look worn out, with dirty bricks and cracked walls. The grass is filled with trash and broken bottles. There are a few trees, but they are filled with bugs and dirt. Colby noticed all of the beautiful paintings around the place.

"Did you paint all of these?" Colby said, touching the painting softly."Yeah, I did, I always loved to paint when I was younger, and I guess that came with me into the twenties", She laughed. "They're amazing; you're really talented," Colby said, smiling at Alora. Alora felt herself blush under his gaze. She had never been complimented like this before, and it made her feel alive.

As they gathered Alora's things for the trip, Colby and Sam helped her pack her bags and load them into their car.

"Are you guys sure you're okay with driving all night?" Alora asked, worried about their safety."We do this all the time, don't worry about us," Sam said reassuringly.

As they drove down the empty road, Alora couldn't help but feel a little scared. She had never been on a road trip with strangers, let alone go ghost hunting. But as she looked at Colby and Sam, laughing and joking in the front seats, she felt a sense of comfort and excitement. These were not just strangers; they were now her friends.

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