Chapter Three

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Alora was walking up to the abandoned insane asylum with Sam and Colby. Once inside, they decided to turn on the camera and do their youtube intro.

"WHATS UP, GUYS? IT'S SAM AND COLBY!" Colby screamed almost directly in her ear. Alora tumbled back and started to giggle, holding her ear. Colby saw this and began to laugh with her. "Today, we have decided to head to Central Louisiana State Hospital!" Sam said, clapping his hands. Alora and the boys decided to head inside. Sam was holding the camera, and Colby was having Aloras just below where the camera could not see our hands.

"How are you doing?" Colby said, looking down at our hand and then up to my face. He smiled a full toothy smile, and we went down the scary hallway. I was holding the flashlight along with Colby's hand. Alora's heart beat fast as they walked down the hallway, and her breaths became shallow. The darkness was suffocating, and she could feel the weight of the building pressing down on her. They turned a corner, and suddenly, a loud bang echoed through the halls.

"Did you hear that?!" Sam exclaimed, looking towards the direction the noise came from.

Alora's grip on Colby's hand tightened, and she could feel the sweat forming on her palms. Suddenly, the flashlight flickered, leaving them in complete darkness.

"What the hell?" Colby muttered, trying to get the flashlight to work again.

Alora's heart was pounding now, and she could hear her blood rushing in her ears. She felt someone's hand on her shoulder and let out a scream.

"It's just me!" Colby said, trying to calm her down.

Alora took a deep breath, and they continued down the hallway. Just then, a door slammed behind them. All of them turned around. Sam was the first to say something to the camera and turned it around. Alora jumped and hid her face in the crook of Colby's neck. Colby decided to take this chance and comfort her. He kissed the top of her head. Colby pulled her close to his chest.

"It's okay; we do this all the time. Usually, it's just the wind," Colby reassured. Alora took comfort in Colby's embrace, feeling his warmth and strength against her. She looked up at him and smiled softly, appreciating his presence in this moment of uncertainty.

"Thanks, Colby," Alora whispered, her voice shaky. "I'm just a bit on edge, you know?""I know," Colby replied, smiling down at her. "But don't worry, we'll stick together and get through this together."

They continued down the hallway, Sam leading the way and Alora and Colby following closely behind. The building was quiet now, and the only sounds they could hear were their footsteps echoing off the walls.

Suddenly, they heard a low growling sound from one room."What the hell was that?" Sam exclaimed, turning towards the door where the sound had come from.

Alora's heart raced as she clung onto Colby's arm tightly. She could feel his body tense up, ready for whatever would come next. Sam slowly approached the door, cautiously peeking inside. Alora and Colby stood back, watching with bated breath. Suddenly, Sam jumped back, letting out a scream.

"What is it?!" Alora yelled, her heart racing."It's just a cat," Sam said, laughing nervously as he held up the small feline. "Man, you guys got me good."

Alora laughed in relief, feeling the tension in the air dissipate. Colby wrapped his arm around her shoulder, pulling her close to his side.

"Thank god it's just a cat," Colby said, smiling at Sam. "Let's keep moving, though. Who knows what else could be lurking around here."

They continued down the hallway, with Sam holding the camera and Colby and Alora holding each other. The building was old and frail, with peeling paint and broken windows. The air was thick with dust and the musty smell of abandonment.

Alora's heart slowed down slightly, and she felt braver and more comfortable. Colby also added a little bit of that comfort. They walked more and more down the hallway. They entered this little room and looked around; they saw many different medical supplies. There were lights all over the surgery equipment, but they were off. 

You could tell they were dusty and hadn't been used in a while. This was regarding the surgery tools.

There were sterilised metal tools, shiny and clean like they just came out of an autoclave—piles of white and brown bandages with little specks that looked like blood.

 There was a lone beaker on a little metal table, the handle was broken off, and the glass shattered.

She saw boxes stacked up all over the place, such a variety it was overwhelming. There were boxes of empty syringes, metal instruments, and broken medical equipment. The room is dusty with a hint of a clean smell, not necessarily sterile. She decided to be brave and touch all of the equipment.

Since the lights were off, it was dark here, so you couldn't tell what everything was. The floor was cold and grainy, the dust from between the cracks collecting on her fingers as she touched the base. The stainless steel table and tools felt cold against her fingers as she ran them across them.

The boxes are cold and hard. The syringes are complex, and the metal is sharp. She didn't want to explore that place anymore and started feeling heaviness in her chest.

They had been there for over a couple hours now, and they decided that It was time to head out and return to the hotel they rented for the night.

Once they got to the hotel, Sam decided they would tell them what would be going on. AKA the bad news.

"Hey, so I got the keys, and I didn't know that Alora would be coming with us, so I just got two rooms. Alora, you'll need to pick whose room you will stay in, or if you want, you could have your own room." Sam said with a mischievous grin on his face. "She can stay in my room, dude. I don't mind at all, do you, Ally?" Colby said. Alora looked up at him and smiled at the new nickname that he gave her.

"Yeah, I'm okay with going with Colby." She said, keeping her smile and eyes pointed at him."Great, then it's settled. You guys are on the fifth floor, and I am on the fourth floor." Sam said, smiling now, not just at Alora but at Colby.

Alora and Colby headed up to their room together, feeling excited and nervous at the prospect of spending the night alone together. As they stepped inside, Alora looked around the room and saw a large, plush bed in the centre of the room. Colby walked up behind her, his arms wrapping around her waist.

"This looks nice," Alora said, smiling up at him.

"Yeah, it does," Colby replied, leaning down to kiss her softly on the lips.

Alora's heart raced as she felt his lips on hers, his body pressed against hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. They broke apart, breathless and flushed.

"I'm glad we're staying together," Colby said, his eyes sparkling in the room's dim light.

"Me too," Alora replied, a smile spreading across her face.

That was their first real kiss.

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