Chapter Two

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TW: Creepy Male, Smutty Dream :)

Alora thought the car ride was going faster than she thought, for they had been driving for 16 hours. The group often stopped to use the restroom or get food; however, this was the first time Alora needed to use the bathroom. Alora told Colby to stop at the next rest stop so that she could use the facilities.

The next stop was almost a mile away, and Colby had to use the restroom once they pulled off the road. Alora and Colby went to the one bathroom at that gas station. As they entered the restroom, Alora noticed it was dirty and unkempt. She wrinkled her nose in disgust, but she had no other choice. She had to go badly. Colby entered the men's room while Alora entered the women's.

As she sat down, she heard the door creak open. "Occupied," she called out. But the door didn't close. Instead, it opened wider. Alora's heart began to race as she saw a man peeking through the crack in the door.

"Hey, beautiful," he said, his voice low and sinister. "What are you doing all alone in here?" Alora's hands began to shake as she frantically searched for a way out. But the only way was past the man. She had no choice but to confront him.

Feigning confidence, she stood up and glared at him. "Get out of here," she ordered. She hoped that her voice wouldn't break, but it did. Alora screamed so loud that Colby heard me call. Colby comes running in and tackles the guy. They go into a full-blown fight. Colby was throwing punches left and right; the other guy took the kicks and punches. Alora watched in shock as Colby fought off the man who had tried to harm her. She couldn't believe what was happening, but she was thankful that Colby was there to protect her.

The man managed to land a punch on Colby, causing him to stagger back. Alora gasped in horror, but Colby quickly regained his footing and retaliated with a powerful uppercut that sent the man reeling. The man stumbled backwards and fell to the ground, dazed and disoriented.Alora rushed over to Colby, who was nursing his bruised jaw. "Are you okay?" she asked, her voice trembling with fear and worry.

"I'm fine," Colby said, giving her a reassuring smile. "Just a little shaken up."

Alora felt tears welling up in her eyes as she looked at Colby. She felt grateful and relieved that he was there with her. "Thank you for protecting me," she said, her voice barely above a whisper."Finish using the restroom; I will be standing outside the door," Colby said with a smile and touched her shoulder. Alora nodded, her heart still racing from the encounter. She quickly finished using the facilities and exited the restroom, relieved to see Colby waiting. She walked over to him and wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tightly.

"I don't know what I would've done without you," Alora whispered, her voice shaking with emotion.

"You don't have to thank me," Colby replied, hugging her back. "I'll always protect you, no matter what."

Alora smiled, feeling safe and secure in Colby's arms. She never wanted to let go, but she knew they had to get back on the road. They walked back to the car, hand in hand, ready to tackle whatever challenges lay ahead.

As they drove from the gas station, Alora couldn't help but think about what might have happened if Colby hadn't been there. She shuddered at the thought, grateful and relieved she had someone like him.

Colby rubbed his bruised jaw. "What the actual hell happened to both of you?" Sam asked right as we entered the car. Alora took a deep breath and recounted the events that had just happened. Sam listened attentively, his eyes widening in shock and disbelief.

"I can't believe that happened," he said, shaking his head. "Thank God Colby was there to protect you."

Alora nodded, feeling a sense of gratitude wash over her. She gazed at Colby, who was driving the car, and smiled warmly at him. She knew she was lucky to have him in her life. Even though they had just met.

The rest of the car ride was quiet; the three were lost in their thoughts. Alora couldn't help but replay the gas station events in her head, feeling a sense of unease wash over her.

Alora was so tired from all the events in that gas station. She closed her eyes and began to sleep. Aloras' dream was about Colby. However, it became very erotic as time went on.

She was sleeping with Colby on a bed. The two were snuggling together as Colby began to kiss her neck. Alora moaned and arched her back as she felt Colby's lips on her neck. She felt herself getting wet and began to kiss Colby. She ran her hands through his hair and down his chest. Colby started to kiss her passionately, making her moan in desire. Colby made his way to her breasts and began to kiss them; Alora began to moan louder. Colby began to kiss down her stomach and then her legs; he made his way to her inner thighs. Alora was moaning in pleasure. Colby started to lick and kiss her clit, which made her moan louder. Colby's tongue was working wonders for Alora. "Come for me, Alora," Colby says.

"Alora, Alora, ALORA" Sam yelled. Alora immediately jumped up out of her sleepy state. She looked around and noticed that Colby was also sleeping and moaning. Sam, however, was on the side of the road. Alora looked at the time on her phone, which read 2:30 am.

"Are we going to be there soon?" Alora said, trying desperately to change the subject. At this time, Colby is awake and looking around sleepily.

"Not for another two hours," Sam sighed. He groaned as he put the car into gear. "Sorry to wake you up like that," Sam said as he drove again.

"It's okay," Alora said, smiling at Sam. She rubbed her eyes to stop the drowsiness. "I didn't mean to fall asleep."

"I know," Sam said, chuckling. "I'll wake you up if anything comes up again."

"Thanks," Alora said before returning to the silence. The car ride continued, much like the beginning of the car ride. Alora didn't feel like she could fall back asleep, even though she was annoyed that they were going so slowly.

"Are we there yet?" Alora complained. They had been driving for two hours, and it seemed like they were far from their destination.

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