Chapter Ten

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Alora, Kat and Devyn were shopping while Colby and Sam were filming a youtube video long overdue. However later Colby and Alora are going to announce to the world their relationship and the baby.

"Do you want to go see wedding dresses?" Kat asked excitedly.

"Oh my god, Please can we go?" Devyn asked more excited than Kat which was actually impossible.Alora smiled shyly, her mind racing with thoughts about the baby and the announcement. But she couldn't resist the idea of trying on wedding dresses. It would be comforting to imagine herself in a beautiful gown, walking down the aisle towards Colby."Sure, why not?" Alora said, feeling a sudden surge of excitement.

The girls made their way to the nearest bridal store, giggling and chatting the whole way there. Once they arrived, they were greeted by a friendly saleswoman who showed them around the store.

As they looked at the different dresses, Alora found herself drawn to a simple, elegant gown with a sweetheart neckline and a flowing train. She could picture herself wearing it on her wedding day, with Colby waiting for her at the end of the aisle.

Kat and Devyn were equally excited, trying on different dresses and twirling around in front of the mirror. They were lost in their own little world, imagining their perfect weddings.

But Alora couldn't shake off the nagging feeling in the back of her mind. She knew that her wedding day would be anything but perfect. The truth was, Colby and Alora were not just announcing their relationship and the baby. They were also announcing that they were getting married because of the baby.

Alora let out a deep sigh, her eyes falling on her reflection in the mirror. She felt conflicted about the decision to get married, knowing that it wasn't because of love but because of the baby. "Are you okay, Alora?" Kat asked, noticing the sadness in her friend's eyes.

Alora forced a smile, trying to push the negative thoughts to the back of her mind. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little overwhelmed."

Kat gave her a sympathetic look, knowing that Alora had a lot on her plate. "Well, let's keep looking until we find the perfect dress for you. You deserve to feel beautiful on your wedding day."

Alora nodded, grateful for her friends' support. She took a deep breath, trying to focus on the positive things in her life. She had Colby, the man she cared about deeply, and they were going to have a child together. That was something to be grateful for.

As she tried on more dresses, Alora felt herself relaxing and enjoying the experience. She felt like a princess, and for a moment, all her worries faded away.

Finally, she found the dress that felt just right. It was a stunning gown with intricate lace detailing and a full skirt that flowed around her legs. As she looked at herself in the mirror, she felt a surge of happiness.

"This is the one," she said, turning to her friends with a wide smile.

Kat and Devyn both gasped, their eyes filling with tears. "You look absolutely beautiful, Alora," Kat said, her voice soft with emotion.

Alora felt tears prick at her own eyes, overwhelmed by the love that her friends are giving her. Looking down at her dress she smiled knowing that Colby would absolutely love this.As they left the bridal store, Alora couldn't help but feel nervous about the announcement they were going to make. She couldn't imagine what their fans would say or how the media would react. But she knew that Colby would be there for her, no matter what.

When they arrived back at the apartment, Colby was waiting for them, a nervous energy radiating off of him. Alora went to him, and he pulled her into a tight embrace."Are you ready for this?" he whispered in her ear.

Alora took a deep breath, steeling herself for what was to come. "I'm ready," she said, her voice steady.

Together, they sat down in front of the camera, their hearts pounding in their chests. Colby took a deep breath, his hand squeezing Alora's tightly.

"Hey guys," he said, his voice shaking slightly. "We wanted to talk to you about something that's been going on in our lives."

Alora felt her heart race as Colby continued to speak. She knew that this was the moment they had been waiting for, but she couldn't help the fear that crept into her mind. What if their fans didn't support them? What if they faced backlash from the media?

"I'm sure you guys have noticed that Alora has been around a lot more lately," Colby said, his eyes flickering towards her. "And there's a reason for that. Alora and I are together."

The silence that followed was deafening. Alora felt her nerves spike as she looked towards the camera, wondering what their fans would say.

"But that's not all," Colby continued, his grip on Alora's hand tightening. "We're also having a baby."

The reaction was immediate. Comments started flooding in, ranging from messages of support to hateful remarks. Alora felt her heart break at some of the things she read, but she tried to focus on the positive."We also have one more thing to share with you all," Alora spoke up, her voice shaking slightly. "Colby and I have decided to get married."

The comments continued to pour in, but Alora could feel herself relax slightly. At least they had been honest about everything. She looked up at Colby, feeling grateful for him and the love that they shared.

"Thank you all for your support," Colby said, his voice firm. "We know that not everyone will agree with our decisions, but we hope that you can at least respect them."

Alora nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. They had done it. They had announced their relationship, the baby, and their plans to get married. And no matter what happened, they would face it together.After the announcement, Colby and Alora retreated to their room, exhausted and emotionally drained. They lay next to each other on the bed, holding hands and staring up at the ceiling.

"I can't believe we just did that," Alora said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Colby squeezed her hand, his expression serious. "I know. It's a lot to take in."

Alora turned her head to look at him, feeling a sudden surge of love for the man by her side. She was in awe of his strength and determination, and the way he had stood by her through it all."Thank you for being there for me," she said, her voice cracking slightly.

Colby brushed a strand of hair out of her face, his eyes soft. "I'll always be here for you, Alora. No matter what."

Alora felt a tear trickle down her cheek, touched by his words. She leaned in and kissed him, feeling the warmth of his lips against hers. She felt somthing. She felt home.

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