Chapter Six

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Colby and Alora walk hand in hand down the street to the private chef's house, where they will have their class. Sushi was Alora's favourite, and Colby knew that, so he wanted to do something so special that he could make her happy. 

As they approached the chef's house, Colby could feel Alora's excitement building. He couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in himself for planning this surprise sushi-making class for her. As they entered the house, the aroma of fresh fish and seaweed filled their nostrils, making their mouths water in anticipation.

The chef greeted them with warm smiles and led them to a table with all the necessary ingredients and tools for making sushi. Alora eagerly took her seat while Colby watched her with admiration.

As the chef began to instruct them on the proper techniques for rolling sushi, Colby couldn't help but notice how beautiful Alora looked in the dimly lit room. Her hair cascaded down her shoulders in soft waves, and her eyes sparkled excitedly.

Colby grew increasingly attracted to Alora as they worked together to create their sushi rolls. Her delicate fingers expertly rolled the sushi, and her smile lit up the room.

Colby was so fascinated with Alora that he could see them getting married, but that was a faraway thought. He couldn't help but imagine them living together, making sushi every weekend and exploring new recipes together. He imagined waking up next to her every morning, her soft skin against his, her lips curved into a gentle smile.

As they finished making their sushi rolls, Colby couldn't wait to taste what they had created together. He watched Alora take her first bite, her eyes closing in pleasure as she savoured the flavours. He took a bite himself, the combination of fresh fish, seaweed, and rice exploding in his mouth.

As they ate, Colby found himself stealing glances at Alora, admiring every detail of her face. He wanted to tell her how he felt, to spill his heart out and confess his love for her. But he couldn't bring himself to do it. He was afraid of ruining what they had, of scaring her away.

The chef congratulated them on their delicious sushi rolls as the class ended. Colby was beaming with pride at Alora's success. He couldn't wait to taste her creations.Alora turned to Colby and thanked him for such a wonderful surprise. She leaned in and kissed him softly on the lips. Colby felt his heart race, and his body responds to her touch. He knew then that he had to have her.

Without thinking, Colby took Alora's hand and led her out of the house and into the cool night air. They walked silently, their hands intertwined, until they reached a secluded alleyway.Colby pushed Alora up against the wall and kissed her fiercely. Alora responded with equal passion, her body pressing into his. Colby's hands roamed over her body, pulling her closer, wanting to feel every inch of her.

Alora moaned softly as Colby's lips trailed down her neck, sending shivers down her spine. She was new at that moment that she fell in love with him. And little did she know that he was falling in love with her. As their bodies tangled together, Colby couldn't help but feel like he was finally where he was meant to be. He had never felt this way with anyone else before, and the intensity of his feelings scared him.

But as Alora's fingers traced over his skin, he knew that he had to take a chance. He broke away from their heated embrace and looked into her eyes.

"Alora," he said, his voice breathless, "I don't know how to say this, but I think I'm falling in love with you."

Alora's eyes widened with shock, but then she smiled softly. "I think I'm falling in love with you too, Colby," she whispered.

At that moment, all of Colby's fears melted away. He knew that he wanted to be with Alora, to wake up next to her every morning and explore the world together.

They kissed again, their love for each other evident in every touch. And as they walked back to Colby's apartment, she decided she would be with him forever even though they had just met; she could tell. As they walked, Alora couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and nervousness. She had never fallen in love so quickly, but something about Colby felt right.

When they reached Colby's apartment, he took her hand and led her inside. The room was dimly lit, candles flickering on the coffee table. Alora looked around in amazement, taking in the beautiful decor.

Colby led her over to the couch and pulled her onto his lap. They kissed again; their bodies pressed together. Alora ran her fingers through Colby's hair, loving the feel of it against her skin.

Colby looked into her eyes as they broke apart, his own filled with emotion. "I want you, Alora," he whispered. "I spend every moment with you."

"Colby, you are so important to me, and I would love to make you mine forever and ever, but I don't want to move faster than we already are," Alora said, smiling. Colby knew precisely what she meant. Yes, he wanted to be with her forever, but they needed to take time and wait it out unless something happened. Colby nodded, a sense of relief washing over him. He knew that Alora was right. They needed to take things slow and not rush into anything. He leaned in and kissed her softly, his hand gently caressing her cheek.

"I understand," he said, his voice low. "We'll take things one step at a time."Alora smiled and kissed him back, her fingers tracing over his face. As they sat together, Colby realised he had never been happier. He knew that Alora was the one for him and that he would do anything to make her happy.

They spent the rest of the night talking, laughing, and enjoying each other's company. And as the sun began to rise, they fell asleep in each other's arms, knowing they had found something special.

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